His wife is Pei, the daughter of Pei Judao
Li Hong (652-675) was the fifth son of Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty. His mother was Wu Zetian, and his wife was Pei, the daughter of Pei Judao. In 655, he was named acting king; in 656, the original crown prince Li Zhong was deposed and Li Hong was made crown prince. In May 675, Li Hong died suddenly while going to Hebi Palace with Gaozong and Wu Zetian. Edit this paragraph Life experience Li Hong once studied "Zuo Zhuan" from Guo Yu. When he read the story of Chu Shizi Mi Shang's regicide, he couldn't help covering up the book and sighed: "No minister can bear to hear such a thing, and the classic book It was used by saints to instruct future generations. Why record such things?" Guo Yu answered him: "Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals to praise and criticize good and evil, to advise the world or to warn, so he recorded the evil deeds of merchants. "Let people in the future know that there is such a thing." Li Hong said: "It's not that this kind of thing cannot be spread, but I can't bear to know that there is such a thing. Please let me read other books." Yu bowed to him and said, "'My mother is a famous place, but Zengzi cannot enter; the city is named Chaoge, and Mozi returns to his carriage.'" Your Highness is talented and wise. Since you can't bear to hear about these bad things, I heard that you want to stabilize your position and govern the people. There is nothing better than being proficient in etiquette. If you don’t understand etiquette, you will not be able to serve the gods of heaven and earth and distinguish the status of kings and ministers. Therefore, Confucius also said: "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up." Then please stop reading. "Spring and Autumn", please read "Book of Rites" instead." Li Hong accepted this proposal. In 661, he ordered Xu Jingzong, Xu Yushi, Shangguan Yi, Yang Sijian and others to collect ancient and modern collections, select 500 articles, and compile them into "Yaoshan Jade Color". In 668, he requested that Yan Hui be awarded the title of Prince's Young Master, and Zeng Shen be the Prince's Young Master. Bao, Gaozong agreed. At that time, if any of the soldiers who were on the expedition to Liao fled or failed to report within the deadline, they would not only be beheaded when found, but their family members would also be dismissed from their posts. Li Hongjin admonished: "If a soldier is overdue due to illness, or unfortunately drowns and is crushed to death in the middle of the journey, military law will not only not consider them as killed in battle, but will also include the members of the team and his family members. According to the law, That's called fleeing. In fact, if the soldiers really die, their families will be buried with them, but there are many factors behind them that are worthy of sympathy. "Zuo Zhuan" said: "It is better to die than to kill the innocent." ', I hope that the law can be revised so that in the future, those who have soldiers running away from home will no longer be punished." Gaozong also agreed to this request. In 671, Emperor Gaozong visited Luoyang and asked Prince Li Hong to stay in the capital. At that time, there was a severe drought and famine broke out in Guanzhong, so Li Hong inspected the food supplies of the soldiers and found that some were eating elm bark and fluffy nuts, so he privately ordered his family to give them rice food. Li Hong was in poor health, and the people who assisted him were Dai Zhide, Zhang Wenguan, Xiao Dezhao and others, so some small things depended on them. At that time, Li Hong had two half-sisters, namely Princess Yiyang and Princess Xuancheng. Because their mother, Concubine Xiao Shu, had offended Wu Zetian in the past, they had been imprisoned in the palace until they were over 20 years old. When Li Hong found out about this, he was shocked and sympathetic, and asked to let the two sisters get married. This incident angered Empress Wu, who casually betrothed them to the guards. From then on, Li Hong gradually fell out of love with his mother. Li Hong also wrote a letter hoping to lend the Shayuan land to the poor, and Gaozong agreed.