Country people go to town
With the globalization brought by the modern world economy, some western political parties with Christian background have been clamoring to return to the traditional Christian moral values in recent years, and some China Christians involved in the flood of American evangelical fundamentalism are also clamoring that only Christianity can save the "moral decadence" of China society today, and so on. Then, let's take a look at what kind of morality the Christian Bible preaches, including of course the morality of the Old Testament law and the morality that Jesus claimed could not be abolished.
Let's look at the Old Testament first.
The second chapter of Genesis says:
The Lord God commanded him, saying, You may eat whatever you like from all the trees in the garden. You shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for you will surely die on the day you eat it.
We know that to talk about morality and ethics, we must first be able to distinguish between good and evil. The gods in the Bible obviously don't want people to have the ability to distinguish good from evil, let alone human morality.
Therefore, the first moral of the Christian Bible is that human morality goes against God's will.
After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God said to the woman:
3: 16 ... I will add more pain to your pregnancy, and it will be more painful for you to have a baby. You will long for your husband, and he will rule you.
In addition, women are made of a man's rib. The second moral of the Christian Bible is that women are subordinate to men and must submit to men. The pain of a woman giving birth is a self-imposed punishment and should not be alleviated.
The next one involves murder:
And the Lord said to Cain, Where is Abel your brother? He said, I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper? And the Lord said, What have you done? Your brother's blood cried out to me from the ground. 4: 1 1, I opened my mouth and accepted your brother's blood from you. Now you will be cursed by this land. 4: 12 If you farm, the land will no longer serve you. You will wander on the ground. Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is too heavy. Now you have driven me out of this land, so that I cannot see your face. I will wander on the ground, and anyone who meets me will kill me. And the Lord said to him, Whoever kills Cain will be avenged sevenfold. ……
Cain's killing of his brother was originally caused by the Lord's own picky about the sacrifice. Perhaps the Lord himself felt guilty, so the punishment for Cain's killer was only exile, and whoever wanted to avenge Abel would be "seven times heavier than the reported crime."
From this, we can see the third morality of the Christian Bible: punishing injustice. Whoever wins the favor of the Lord and commits a crime can only be slightly punished, while whoever retaliates against the person whom the Lord likes will be severely punished. In other words, not everyone is equal before the Lord. The Lord favors his so-called voters, first the Israelis and then the Christians. To voters, he may be a kind judge, but to people of other nationalities and beliefs, he is a cruel and violent devil.
The Lord saw that man's wickedness on earth was great, and all his thoughts were evil all day long. The Lord repented of creating man on the earth, and his heart was troubled. I will destroy from the face of the earth all the human beings and livestock, insects and birds in the air that I have created, says the Lord, because I regret having created them.
In other words, when the owner finds that his product is unqualified, he will not be angry because of his production mistakes, but will take it out on the unqualified product. If the planes produced by an aircraft factory fall down one after another, is it the responsibility of the airport or the aircraft?
Therefore, the fourth moral of the Christian Bible is that you are irresponsible for your own actions, and the accident is not the responsibility of the perpetrator, but the responsibility of the victim.
When God first created the world, he said to people:
1:28 So God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and rule the land.". You should also be in charge of the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and all the living things on the ground. God said, "Look, I will give you all the plants bearing seeds on the earth and all the fruits bearing seeds on the trees for food.".
The original meaning of "governance" is "to make ... submit". According to this statement, man can control all creation at will. After the flood, the Lord said to Noah and his sons (he didn't talk to women, as if women were not people to him):
God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. All the animals of the earth and the birds of the air will be terrified and frightened because of you. Even all the insects on the ground and all the fish in the sea have been handed over to you. All living animals can be your food. I give you all these things, just like a vegetable.
Now people can not only control all creation at will, but also make all birds and beasts "fear you". Therefore, the fifth article of the Christian Bible is that we should not only plunder nature at will, but also use terror against nature, which is no exaggeration.
In the same chapter, the Lord also taught:
Whoever sheds human blood, his blood will be shed by others. Because God made man in his own image.
This is the sixth moral of the Christian Bible: blood revenge must be paid. -I wonder what face Christians have to mock Arabs for revenge?
Or Genesis Chapter 9:
Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard. 9:2 1 He got drunk after drinking the wine in the garden and was naked in the tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and came out to tell his two brothers. So Shem and Japheth took a dress and put it on their shoulders, and went back to cover it for their father. Their faces are behind their backs and they can't see their father's nakedness. When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him, he said, Cursed be Canaan, and he will be a slave to his brothers.
The point of this story is: when the father himself is disorderly, drunk and naked, which son sees it, this son and his descendants will be punished as slaves forever.
From this, we can see the seventh moral of the Christian Bible: in order to maintain the authority of the father, the father has the right to punish his son who finds his mistake.
About the so-called Babel, Genesis wrote:
God came to see the cities and towers built by the world. 1 1:6 Look, they have become the same people and all speak the same language. This is what the Lord says. Now that they have done this, nothing will fail in the future. 1 1:7 Let's go down there and mix up their accents so that they can't understand each other. And the Lord scattered them from there on all the earth. So they stopped building the city. 1 1:9 The name of that city is Babel (which means confusion), because the Lord confused the language of all the people there and scattered them all over the earth.
Obviously, the Lord does not want human beings to live in big cities, nor does he want human beings to develop cutting-edge technology. On the contrary, he hopes that human beings still live in the countryside and speak languages that they don't understand each other. This is similar to Lao Tzu's pleasure of seeing a small country and few people, each hearing and not talking to each other.
From this, we can see the eighth moral of the Christian Bible: rejecting urban civilization and scientific and technological development. It is not difficult to see that this morality comes from farmers and herdsmen who refuse to have urban civilization different from their own way of life.
In Genesis 17, the Lord said to Abram:
17:4 I will make a Covenant with you, and you will be the father of many countries. 17:5 From now on, your name will no longer be Abram, but Abraham, for I have made you the father of many nations. 17:6 I will multiply your descendants. The kingdom comes from you, and the king comes from you. 17:7 I will establish my Covenant with you and your descendants from generation to generation, and I will be your God and your descendants' God for ever. 17:8 I will give you and your descendants the land where you live now, all the land of Canaan, for an inheritance forever. I will also be their god.
The Lord signed a treaty with the chief of a semi-nomadic tribe, claiming to be the god of the tribe, and promised the tribe that the place where the tribe lived belonged to others-what a bargain!
The ninth moral of the Christian Bible is: whoever is on his side, or who thinks that the main station is on his side, can plunder other people's assets for their own use-it seems that all western powers who believed in Christianity understood this point thoroughly.
God gave Moses and his wandering Israelites ten commandments in Exodus:
You must have no other gods besides me.
You shall not make idols for yourself, nor shall you make any idols, like everything in heaven, on earth, underground and in water. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous god. I will punish those who hate me, from father to son, until the third and fourth generations; I will have mercy on those who love me and keep my commandments to a thousand generations.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him innocent who takes the name of the Lord in vain.
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Six days you shall toil and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On that day, you, your children, your male and female servants, your livestock, and foreigners living in your city may not do any work. 20: 1 1 Because within six days, the Lord made heaven, land, sea and everything, and rested on the seventh day, so the Lord blessed the Sabbath and made it holy.
Honor your parents, so that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
20: 13 does not kill.
20: 14 No adultery.
20: 15 Please don't steal.
20: 16 No perjury against others.
You must not covet a man's house, his wife, his handmaid, his ox and his donkey, and everything he has.
The first to third commandments are actually not morality, but a declaration of belief monopoly. However, this monopoly is at the top of the Ten Commandments, which makes people have to think that the makers of this commandment are not concerned with morality, but with the position of clergy in society. From the moral and ethical point of view, the first two commandments also reflect a kind of morality, which is
Article 10 of Christian Bible Morality: Intolerance for religious reasons is justified.
The fourth commandment has nothing to do with morality, and designating a day as the Sabbath is nothing more than serving religious intolerance. The tenth commandment is the most striking: women are not people, but private property, and slavery is actually the content of the Lord's life!
Thus, the tenth article of the Christian Bible is that slavery is God's commandment. The status of a wife is the same as that of a house, cattle and sheep.
The rest of the commandments are just the minimum basic morality required for the normal operation of any society. Moreover, this minimum moral foundation is not commented on, nor is it as detailed as religious monopoly. From here we can see that:
Article 11 of Christian Bible Morality: Only the minimum human moral norms are needed.
Chapters 2 1, 22 and 23 of Exodus provide some detailed rules for the implementation of these minimum moral norms, and the first problem is slavery. The Bible does not consider slavery immoral. On the contrary, it explains slavery in detail. For example, the children of female slaves will continue to be slaves. Then it also stipulated what kind of crimes should be sentenced to death, but later there were inexplicable regulations:
2 1: 18 If there is a dispute between people, one person will not die if he hits another person with a stone or fist, but if he lies in bed, 2 1: 19, if he can get up again and walk out with a stick, then he can be considered innocent, but he should be compensated for his delayed work with money.
In other words, men-the "people" here are just men-can get away with fighting and hurting people. Next, we can also read:
2 1:20 If a man strikes a slave or maidservant with a stick and dies at once by his hand, he must be punished. 2 1:2 1 If you die in a day or two, you don't need to be punished because you bought it with money.
The rest of the legal provisions stipulate various degrees of criminal law and the celebration of various festivals and so on. It can be said that this set of things may be more suitable for the society of farmers and herdsmen around the city, but I am afraid it is of little use in today's society. It can be said:
Article 12 of the Christian Bible morality is: always abide by a lot of codes of conduct suitable for farmers and herdsmen around ancient city-states and residents of small villages and towns to live together.
In fact, there are only two things in the Five Classics of Moses: one is to ensure the income and status of priests, and the other is to protect personal property. Of course, the latter does not mean protecting the property of so-called foreigners. For example, God told his voters in Deuteronomy:
7: 1 The LORD your God brought you into the land where you are going to possess it, and drove out many nations from before you ... When the LORD your God delivers them to you for slaughter, you shall completely destroy them, and you shall not make a covenant with them or spare them. You should not marry them. Don't marry your daughter to their son and don't let your son marry their daughter. For he will turn your son away from following the Lord and serve other gods, so that the anger of the Lord will burn against you and destroy you quickly. But this is what you are to do to them: tear down their altars, smash their statues, cut down their puppets and burn their sculptures with fire. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you as his own people from all the peoples of the earth.
From this description, we can see that the moral foundation of the Christian Bible is religious nationalism, which includes aggression, genocide, racial persecution, pagan persecution and extreme religious intolerance: this religion is actually providing an excuse for moral corruption.
Therefore, the thirteenth moral of the Christian Bible is to advocate religious racism.
Chapter 20 of Deuteronomy writes:
When you are near a city and you want to attack it, you must first declare peace to the people in the city. 20: 1 1 If they answer you kindly and open a city for you, all the people in the city will serve you and serve you. If he refuses to make peace with you and wants to fight with you, he will besiege the city. When the Lord your God gives this city into your hand, you shall kill all the males in it with the sword. Only women, children, livestock and all the property in the city can be taken as your own plunder. The Lord your God gives you the wealth of your enemies, and you may eat it. You should do the same for cities far away from you, which are not cities of these nationalities. But the Lord your God has given you the cities of these nations for an inheritance, and no one will live among them.
From this passage, we can sum up Article 14 of the Christian Bible's morality: If we attack the city and plunder the land, we must force the other side to surrender. If they are not convinced, we will kill them or force them to be slaves. -Christian western countries are really good students of the Lord and can really keep God's commandments better than Jews.
Around 930 BC, Israel is said to have split into Judas in the south and Israel in the north. Before 722, the northern countries were invaded by the Assyrian Empire, and the people were scattered in different parts of the Assyrian Empire. In 586 BC, the Babylonian Empire invaded southern Judah and the Jewish upper class was forced to move to Babylon. The myth that Israel is a "God" voter is almost shattered. Therefore, the priests invented another myth: Israel was shattered because the Israelites were unfaithful to God. Thus, BLACKPINK, a prophet of all sizes, like an angry youth, appeared, dreaming of a powerful king who would use his anger to retaliate against his enemies. Take the prophet Isaiah as an example, we can read his revengeful fantasy:
14:24 The LORD of hosts has sworn that I will do what I think. How do I set my mind, it will still stand. 14:25 I crushed the Assyrian in my land and trampled him on my mountain. ...
15: 1 the meaning of Moab. Overnight, Ar of Moab became desolate and gone. Overnight, Gil of Moab became a waste, gone.
16:2 The daughter of Moab will be like a wandering bird at the ferry crossing of the Arnon River, like a young bird breaking its nest.
17: 1 On the Enlightenment in Damascus. Behold, Damascus is abandoned, no longer a city, but a heap of ruins. 17:2 The cities of Aroer were abandoned. This will be a place for shepherds, where sheep lie down and no one scares them. ……
19:6 if the rivers will stink, all the rivers in Egypt will wither. Reed and reed will wither. 19:7 The pastures near the Nile and the fields planted along the Nile will wither, and the crops will be scattered by the wind and will be gone. ……
The peak of this old cynicism is that the whole world will be judged and destroyed, and the final winner will be the future king of Israel-this is actually the core of the prophet.
If we insist that the Bible is a revelation from God, then the fifteenth article of Christian Bible morality is: hate all the nations that defeated and oppressed Israel, and persist in hatred and revenge like cynics in the prophet's book.