James 1: 2 My brothers, you should all be happy when you fall into various trials;
James 1: 3 Because you know that your faith has been tested, you are patient.
James 1: 4 but patience will also succeed, so that you can be perfect and want everything.
James 1: 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God who gives generously to all and does not rebuke others, and the Lord will give it to him.
James 1: 6 just ask in faith and don't doubt at all; Because people who doubt are like waves in the sea, tossed and tossed by the wind.
James 1: 7 such a person should not ask the Lord for anything.
James 1: 8 A half-hearted man has no fixed idea in all his ways.
James 1: 9 Let the humble brothers rejoice when they are promoted.
James 1: 10 So the rich should be modest. Because he must pass by like a flower on the grass,
James 1: 1 1 When the sun rises, hot air blows, grass withers, flowers wither and beauty disappears. By the same token, the rich man will be weak in everything he does.
James 1: 12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation, because he will get the crown of life after his trial, which the Lord has promised to those who love him.
James 1: 13 When people are tempted, don't say, "I am tempted by God," because God can't be tempted by evil, and he doesn't tempt people.
James 1: 14 but every one is tempted, and he is tempted by his own selfish desires.
James 1: 15 when lust is conceived, sin comes into being; When sin grows, it produces death.
My dear brothers, don't misunderstand.
James 1: 17 all kinds of good gifts and all kinds of omnipotent gifts come from above and come down from the father of light; Now he has not changed, and there is no shadow of turning.
James 1: 18 He gave birth to us in truth according to his own will, making us like the first fruits in all his creations.
My dear brothers, you know this. But each of you should listen quickly, speak slowly and get angry slowly.
James 1: 20 because man's anger does not fulfill God's righteousness.
James 1: 2 1 Therefore, you should get rid of all filth and surplus evil, and accept the word planted with gentleness, which can save your souls.
James 1: 22 just walk on the right path, and don't just listen to the word and deceive yourself.
James 1: 23 Those who listen to the word but don't do it are like people looking at their true colors in the mirror.
James 1: 24 When he left, he immediately forgot what he looked like.
James 1: 25 but he who looks at the law of complete freedom in detail and always does it is not forgetting what he has heard, but actually doing it, and will be blessed in what he has done.
James 1: 26 If a man thinks he is pious, but does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, his piety is meaningless.
James 1: 27 pure and undefiled piety before god and our father means caring for orphans and widows in trouble and keeping yourself from the world.
James 2: 1 My brothers, if you believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show partiality.
James 2: 2 If a man wears a gold ring and beautiful clothes and enters your synagogue; Another poor man came in, dressed in dirty clothes;
James 2: 3 You will pay more attention to the man in gorgeous clothes, say, "Please sit in this good seat", and say to the poor man, "Stand there" or "sit under my footstool".
James 2: 4 Are you not partial to others and judge others with malice?
James 2: 5 Listen, my dear brothers! Didn't God choose the poor people in the world to be rich through faith and inherit the kingdom he promised to those who love him?
James 2: 6 But you humiliate the poor! Didn't the rich man bully you and drag you to court?
James 2: 7 Did they not blaspheme the honorable name whom you worship?
James 2: 8 says, "Love your neighbor as yourself." It is good that you all keep this supreme law;
James 2: 9 But if you show partiality to others, you have sinned and been condemned as a lawbreaker by the law.
Jas 2: 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and stumbles on one thing only commits the sin of all.
James 2: 1 1 Because he who says "Do not commit adultery" also says "Do not kill". Even if you don't commit adultery, you are still breaking the law by killing someone.
James 2: 12 since you are going to be judged according to the law that makes people free, you should speak and act according to this law.
James 2: 13 for he who has no mercy will be judged without mercy, for mercy triumphs over judgment.
James 2: 14 My brothers, what good is it if someone says he has faith but has no deeds? Can this faith save him?
James 2: 15 if a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food,
Jas 2: 16 Some of you said to them, "Go in peace! May you dress warmly and eat well ",but don't give them what they need. What are the benefits?
James 2: 17 So faith without works is dead.
James 2: 18 Some people will say, "You have faith, I have deeds;" You don't have to show me your confidence by action, I will show you my confidence by action. "
James 2: 19 You believe that there is only one God, and you believe well. Ghosts and demons also believe it, but they are shocked.
James 2: 20 You vain men, do you want to know that faith without works is dead?
James 2: 2 1 Was not our ancestor Abraham justified by his deeds when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?
James 2: 22 It can be seen that faith goes hand in hand with his actions, and faith is perfected by his actions.
James 2: 23 This fulfilled the scripture: "Abraham believed in God, and it was counted as his righteousness." He must be called a friend of God.
James 2: 24 So man is justified by works, not by faith alone.
James 2: 25 Was not Rahab, a prostitute, justified by her works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
James 2: 26 The body is dead without a soul, and faith without works is dead.
James 3: 1 My brothers, don't be more teachers, because you know that we will be judged more severely.
James 3: 2 For we have sinned in many things; If there is nothing wrong with a person's words, he is a perfect person and can restrain his whole body.
James 3: 3 If we put the chewing ring in the horse's mouth and make it obey, we can mobilize its whole body.
James 3: 4 Look, although the ship is huge and driven by strong winds, it only uses a small rudder to turn as it pleases.
James 3: 5 Even so, the tongue is the smallest among all the members, but it can boast. Look, the smallest fire can ignite the biggest forest;
James 3: 6 The tongue is fire. Among all our members, the tongue is a sinful world, which can pollute the whole body, set the wheel of life on fire, and it is lit from hell.
James 3: 7 All kinds of birds, animals, insects and aquatic animals could have been subdued, but they were also subdued.
James 3: 8 No one can subdue the tongue, which is a restless evil, full of poisonous gas that kills people.
James 3: 9 With our tongues we praise those who are the Lord and the Father, and with our tongues we curse those who have been created in the image of God.
James 3: 10 My brothers, it is not right that praise and curse come from the same mouth.
James 3: 1 1 Can a spring emit sweet water and bitter water from one eye?
James 3: 12 My brothers, can fig trees bear olives? Can vines bear figs? Salt water does not give off sweet water.
James 3: 13 which one of you is wise and who is knowledgeable? He should show his kindness in the gentleness of wisdom.
James 3: 14 If you have bitter jealousy and strife in your hearts, do not boast or lie against the truth.
James 3: 15 such wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, sensual and demonic.
James 3: 16 where there is jealousy and strife, there are disturbances and all kinds of bad things.
James 3: 17 Only the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceful, gentle and submissive, full of compassion, bearing good fruit, without prejudice or hypocrisy.
James 3: 18 what makes people peaceful is the righteous fruit planted with peace.
James 4: 1 Where did the fighting among you come from? Isn't it because of your selfish desire to fight among all the members?
James 4: 2 You covet, but you don't get it. You kill jealousy, fight and fight, and you won't get it. You can't get it because you don't ask for it;
James 4: 3 You will not get what you ask, because you ask in vain and waste it on your pleasures.
James 4: 4 Ye adulterers, don't you know that to be friends with the world is to be enemies with God? Therefore, anyone who wants to be a friend of the world is an enemy of God.
James 4: 5 Do you think that the scripture says nothing? Is it love or jealousy that God has given us to live in it?
James 4: 6 but he gives more grace, so the scripture says, "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble."
James 4: 7 Therefore, be obedient to God. You have to resist the devil, and the devil will leave you and flee.
James 4: 8 draw near to God, and God will draw near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners. Clean your hearts, you double-minded people.
James 4: 9 Be sad, mourn, weep, turn joy into sorrow, and turn joy into sorrow.
James 4: 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and the Lord will lift you up.
James 4: 1 1 Brothers, don't criticize each other. If a man criticizes the judgment of his brother, he criticizes the law of judgment. If you judge the law, you are not obeying the law, but judging people.
James 4: 12 there is only one law and judge, that is, the one who can save and destroy people. Who are you to judge others?
James coughs at 4: 13! You have a saying: "Today and tomorrow, we will go to a city, stay there for a year, and make a profit by doing business."
James 4: 14 In fact, you don't know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You used to be a cloud, which appeared less and disappeared.
James 4: 15 Just say, "If the Lord wills, we can live and do this or that."
James 4: 16 now you boast with pride; All such boasting is evil.
James 4: 17 If a man knows to do good, but doesn't do it, that is his sin.
James 5: 1 cough! Weep and wail, you rich people, for trouble has come upon you.
James 5: 2 Your possessions have gone bad, and your clothes have been bitten by worms.
James 5: 3 Your gold and silver are rusted; Rust will prove you wrong and devour your body like fire. In this last world, you only know how to accumulate money.
James 5: 4 Workers reap crops for you, and you owe them wages; Because of the wailing of the wages, the LORD of hosts heard the wailing of the reapers.
James 5: 5 You enjoy yourselves on the earth, and enjoy yourselves, but you indulge your hearts on the day of slaughter.
James 5: 6 If you define a man's sin and kill him, he will not resist you.
James 5: 7 Be patient, brothers, until the Lord comes. Look, the farmer waited patiently for the precious agricultural products in the field until the autumn rain and spring rain came.
James 5: 8 Be patient and strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.
James 5: 9 Brothers, do not grumble against one another, lest you be judged. Look, the referee is at the door!
James 5: 10 Brothers, take the prophets who speak in the name of the Lord as examples of suffering and patience.
James 5: 1 1 Blessed are those who were patient before. You have heard of Job's patience and what the Lord has done for him. Obviously, the Lord is full of compassion and great compassion.
James 5: 12 My brothers, the most important thing is not to swear. Don't swear by heaven, don't swear by earth, don't swear at all. Say yes if you speak, and say no if you don't, so as not to be judged.
James 5: 13 Did any of you suffer? Let him pray. Happy people should sing praises.
James 5: 14 If any of you is sick, call the elders of the congregation, and they can anoint him and pray for him in the name of the Lord.
James 5: 15 pray out of faith, to save the sick man, the Lord will wake him up; If he commits a crime, he will also be forgiven.
James 5: 16 Therefore, confess your sins to each other and intercede for each other, so that you may be healed. The power of the righteous to pray is powerful.
James 5: 17 Elijah is a man with the same temperament as us. He earnestly prayed that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the ground for three years and six months.
James 5: 18 He prayed again, and it rained, and the earth produced its crops.
James 5: 19 My brothers, if any of you goes astray, someone can turn him back.
James 5: 20 This man should know that turning a sinner back from his error is to save a soul from death and cover up many sins.