The Book of Songs is also called "Six Classics", and Master Li Zhouguan Chun says "Teach the Six Classics: Say Style, Say Fu, Say Comparison, Say Prosperity, Say Elegance and Say Ode." Confucius said in Justice of Mao Poetry: "Style, elegance and praise are variations of poetry; Fu, Bi and Xing are different words in poetry. Those with different sizes get six meanings, fu and bi xing are used in poetry, and style, elegance and praise are the formation of poetry. They used those three things to become these three things, so they all became righteousness. " In his view, style, elegance and praise are different systems of poetry, while fu, bi and xing are different ways of expression of poetry, which is an important artistic method of China's ancient poetry creation, including The Book of Songs.
There are three ways to express The Book of Songs: Fu, Bi and Xing. Fu, apply it, apply it and be outspoken. Compare, compare this thing with another. Monkey, say something else first so that the lyrics can be sung. Zhu's Biography of Poetry is a direct narrative; Comparison is a metaphor, which is divided into simile and metaphor; Xing is xing, which evokes association and sets off the atmosphere. Generally speaking, "national style" uses metaphor, and "elegance" uses fu method. The use of xing technique makes The Book of Songs have touching artistic charm.
The Book of Songs mainly uses rhymes in four-character poems and parallel sentences, but it is also rich in varieties, including two characters, three characters, five characters, six characters, seven characters and eight characters, which are flexible and diverse. In composition, it has the characteristics of repeated sentences and repeated singing, and uses a lot of reduplicated words, disyllabic words and rhymes, which strengthens the vividness and musicality of the language. Some chapters in The Book of Songs are specially described, and many vivid details are outlined. July depicts the life of farmers all year round, just like a beautiful painting of folk life.