Stories and poems about honesty and trustworthiness

Zengzi was also a very honest and trustworthy person. One time, Zengzi's wife was going to the market, but her son was crying and she had to go. The wife coaxed the child and said, "Don't go. I will come back and kill the pig for you to eat." When she came back from the market, she saw that Zengzi was about to kill the pig, and she quickly stepped forward to stop him. Zengzi said, if you deceive a child, the child will not trust you. With that said, he killed the pig. Zengzi did not deceive his children and cultivated their children's character of trustworthiness.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a very honest man named Ming Shanbin. When he was a state official, he offended the court by opening a warehouse to help the poor and was dismissed from his official position.

One day, seeing that there was no way to untie the pot at home, he took the lean cow that his father had left for him and sold it in the market. But when I returned home, I learned from my wife that the cow had suffered from leg disease, so I hurried to the market, found the buyer, explained the situation to him, and took the initiative to refund half of the money. Everyone around was amazed.

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