Respond to Christ's invitation

Many people who think they are the people of heaven will be surprised to find that they are not. In Matthew 7:2 1, Jesus said: "Anyone who calls me' Lord, Lord' cannot enter the kingdom of heaven; Only those who do the will of my heavenly father can go in. " Some people look forward to heaven, but they will never get the Lord. They call Jesus "Lord", but they don't do what he wants-it's not enough to just talk and not do it. You must accept the Lord and the kingdom of the Lord (John 1: 12).

You must also cherish the kingdom of heaven. In Matthew 12:44, Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the ground." In verses 45-46, he compares it as precious as a bead, and a businessman will sell all his things in pursuit of this bead. This is the value of the kingdom of heaven, and all the costs are worth it.

You must continue to pursue the blessing of heaven. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, "Seek his kingdom and his righteousness first, and all these things will be added to you." The background of this is to remind his disciples that their father in heaven knows their needs when discussing the most basic needs of life, such as food and clothing. If they know the priorities, God will provide them with them. A typical feature of unbelievers is that they are anxious about whether their personal needs can be met, while believers rely on God and pursue the kingdom of God.

Christ opened his kingdom of heaven to everyone (Matthew 28: 19). The only response to this is to accept, cherish and pursue. Is this your response? Did you also accept the kingdom of heaven? Is it precious to you? I believe this is true. If so, please serve your Lord happily from today and put his kingdom first. If not, please turn back from your sin and entrust your life to the Lord who loves you. He is looking forward to accepting you into his eternal country.

Suggested prayer project

Thank God for making us people in heaven (Philippians 3:20-2 1).

Ask him to help you put him first in your life.

Further reading

Read Revelation 2 1 and 22 and think about what eternity will be like in Christ. What aspect of eternity do you particularly look forward to?