Taigong mourned for a late encounter.
Don? Changjian
The morning glow is white, and the king of Wen hunts. Catch a fisherman in the reed, but there is no bear in the river.
The imperial edict has been left behind, and the horse has spoken. Because I'm called Jianghai, I'm old and weak.
It took me a long time to realize that Linggui. If the soldiers and horses don't hunt, everyone is happy.
In the same car to Xianyang, there is no phosphorus in the heart. Four feet under the jade, the word is emperor.
The ministers held the Zhumen and covered Yao Changkui. Who knows what happened to the glorious people in ancient times?
Sunset enveloped Sang Yu, and there was a sense of loss. I'm sorry, but what can you be?