I looked up and saw the moon in the sky! However, this moon is different from the moon at night. At night, the moon hangs in the sky, like sister Chang 'e turning on the light, very bright; At this time, the moon turned white like people turned off the lights.
I looked to the east, and the east was a little red. I thought: Maybe the sun came out. I hurried outside to observe the shoes on the boat. The street lights are still on, and the sky is particularly blue. I keep my eyes fixed on the east. "Why doesn't the sun come out?" I keep telling myself. The east is getting redder and redder, and soon the sun is half exposed, and the whole sun jumps out of the horizon in the blink of an eye. I think the sun is getting closer and closer to me. It emits orange light, which is not dazzling at all. After a while, it turned red again, burning like eternal firewood. The sun rises from Ran Ran, and its light illuminates the whole earth and warms people.
I can't help but admire: what a beautiful Sunday morning! Really worthy of what the ancients said; A day's plan lies in the morning! In the future, I will get up early every day, seize the precious morning and study hard!