Life without Roots is like drifting on dust. Life is gone with the wind, the body has gone through hardships, it is not the original appearance. The world should be treated as brothers, why should the brothers of their own brothers be blind date? When you meet a pleasure, you should be merry, and you should invite your neighbors to drink wine. Once youth once in the past can never again, one day will never see the next day out. It is time to encourage yourself when you are in the middle of your life. time goes by and waits for no one.
the dust of life flies in the sky, what's next? "Scattered by the wind, this is very unusual", the dust of life roaming in the wind, experienced hardships, is not the original life. These two sentences, seemingly dull, are actually profound, and the drift of life is unpredictable, and everyone will experience it. Especially in turbulent times. After wandering and winding, life is not what it used to be. "If you are brothers, why should you be flesh and blood?" Since everyone is no longer the original life, people who come to this world should be brothers, so why should they care about blood and blood? Such an idea was not initiated by Tao Yuanming. In Confucius' The Analects of Confucius, there is such a statement: "Zi Xia said:' A gentleman is respectful and courteous. All men are brothers within the four seas. Why do gentlemen suffer from having no brothers?' Tao Yuanming's repetition of Confucius' meaning in his poems is actually a call for an ideal in the midst of war and loneliness. What is this ideal? It should be social peace and universal love. These two sentences express Tao Yuanming's attitude towards life at that time. This poem is generally sad and gloomy, but these two sentences are quite interesting. The twists and turns of life did not make the poet lose his love for life. His joy was to get together and drink with the villagers and neighbors, which was an ordinary and secular pleasure. Tao Yuanming described it in many poems, such as: "When you pass the door, you should pay more attention to it" and "When you go home, you will work hard for your neighbors".
the last four sentences are the most widely circulated: "If you don't come back in your prime, it's hard to get up in the morning. Be encouraged in time, and time waits for no one. " Many people list these four sentences as an ancient poem that cherishes time and inspires. In fact, in connection with the previous article, Tao Yuanming's poems still remind people to eat, drink and be merry in time. Life is so short and life is so hasty, so do what you think is happy when you are alive. The happiness in Tao Yuanming's poem is "fighting for wine and gathering neighbors". Such a goal in life is incredible to modern people, but it was a beautiful ideal in Tao Yuanming's time, and it was vividly described in his Peach Blossom Garden. I think, modern people list these four poems as a poem that cherishes time and inspires. In fact, it does not violate Tao Yuanming's original intention. It cherishes time and is as inspirational as ever, and its content has changed. Why not use the poems of the ancients to inspire the aspirations of today?
Is life really rootless? The falling leaves eventually came back to the roots, and Tao Yuanming's life actually answered. In the countryside and in the lives of ordinary people, he found his home. Xinmin Evening News, December 13th, Zhao Lihong