Six kings finish, four seas are one, Shu Mountain is upright, and Afang goes out. Overpressure more than three hundred miles, isolated from the sun. Mount Li is constructed in the north and folded in the west, and goes straight to Xianyang. Erchuan dissolves and flows into the palace wall. Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to a pavilion; The corridor waist is back, and the eaves are high; Hold the terrain, intrigue. There are countless waves of water in the hive. Long bridge lies on the waves, what is the dragon without clouds? After the road is empty, don't you blame He Hong? High and low, I don't know the west and the east. The singing platform is warm and the spring is harmonious; The dance hall is cold-sleeved, and the wind and rain are sad. In one day, between palaces, and the climate is uneven.
concubines, the prince's grandson, resigned from the downstairs hall and came to Qin. Singing songs at night, for the people of Qin Gong. The stars are shining, and the makeup mirror is also open; Lv Yun disturbing, comb Xiao Huan also; The nutrient-laden flow is greasy, and the fat water is abandoned; The smoke is oblique and foggy, and the pepper orchid is also burned. The thunder was shocked, and the palace car passed; I don't know what I'm doing when I'm listening from afar. One muscle, one capacity, is extremely beautiful, standing far-sighted, and looking lucky; There are 36 years to hide. The collection of Yanzhao, the management of Han and Wei, and the elite of Qi and Chu have plundered their people for several generations, leaning on mountains; Once you can't have it, lose it. Tinkling jade, gold nuggets and pebbles, abandoning throwing and smashing, the Qin people regarded it, and they did not cherish it.
hehe! The heart of one person, the heart of thousands of people. Qin loves luxury, and people miss their homes. How can we use it like sand? Make the pillars of the negative building more than the farmers in Nanmu; There are more rafters on the beam than workers and women on the plane; Onion phosphorus, more than millet in Yu; The joints of the tiles are uneven, more than the silk of the whole body; Straight columns and horizontal sills are more than the battlements of nine soils; Orchestral string vomiting dumb, more than the words of the city people. Make people all over the world dare not speak and dare to be angry. A single husband's heart is becoming more and more arrogant. Garrison soldiers call, letter valley lift, Chu people burn, poor scorched earth.
ouch! Those who destroy the six countries are also six countries, not Qin; Qin is also the family of Qin, not the world. Hey, husband! Making the six countries love each other is enough to refuse Qin; Those who make Qin love the six countries again will be handed over to the three generations to be the king forever, and who will win and the family will be destroyed? Qin people are overwhelmed with self-mourning, and later people mourn it; Later generations mourn and fail to learn from it, which also makes future generations mourn for future generations.
With the collapse of the six countries, the world is unified. All the trees in the mountains of Sichuan were cut down, and the Epang Palace was built. It covers more than three hundred miles, almost covering the sun. It starts from the north of Lishan Mountain and meanders westward to Xianyang. Weishui and Fan Chuan, vastly flow into the palace wall. Five steps to a tall building, ten steps to a pavilion; The promenade is like a ribbon, winding and winding, with high eaves and pecking in the air like a bird's beak. These pavilions and pavilions are surrounded by different terrains, with cloisters surrounded by hooks and cornices towering like fighting horns. It turns around in a zigzag way, which is as dense as a beehive and as connected as a water vortex. I don't know that there are tens of millions of them. The long bridge lies on the water (like a dragon), but without any clouds, how can there be a dragon flying? The corridor between the pavilions is in mid-air (like a rainbow), but it's not after the rain, how can there be a rainbow? The high and low pavilions are blurred, making people unable to distinguish between north and south, west and east. Singing from the high platform makes people feel warm, as warm as spring; The dancing sleeves fluttered in the main hall, making people feel cold, as if it were cold and rainy. In the same day, in the same palace, but the climate is very different.
The maids-in-waiting, concubines, daughters and granddaughters of princes and royalty (from the six countries) bid farewell to the palaces and attics of the old country and took a chariot to the State of Qin. (They) sang in the morning and played the piano at night, becoming imperial concubines of the Emperor of Qin. (Early in the morning) I saw the stars twinkling, and (it turned out to be them) opened the mirror of dressing; See dark clouds disturbing one after another, (it turned out to be them) combing their hair early in the morning; There is a layer of greasy water on the Weihe River, which is the powder water poured by them. The light smoke fills the air, and the fragrance is filled with fog, which is the extraordinary fragrance of pepper and orchid they burned. Suddenly, the thunderous noise was deafening, and the palace car passed by here. I don't know where it's going, because the sound of the wheels is fading away. (ladies-in-waiting) try their best to show their charm, and every skin and gesture are extremely touching. They stood and watched for a long time, hoping that the emperor would be lucky to come; (Poor) Some people have never seen the emperor for thirty-six years. The treasures collected by the State of Zhao in Yan, the gold and silver collected by the State of Wei in South Korea and the treasures preserved by the State of Chu in Qi were plundered from the people for many years and generations, piling up like mountains. Once the country is destroyed and can no longer be occupied, it will be transported to Epang Palace. From then on, Baoding (as) iron pot, Baoyu (as) stone, gold (as) clods and pearls (as) gravel were littered, and it was not a pity for Qin people to watch them.
alas! What one person thinks is also what millions of people think. Qin Shihuang liked prosperity and luxury, and the people also missed their homes. Why don't you even let go of a penny when you search for treasure, but treat it like sediment when you squander it? Even make (Epang Palace) have more columns supporting the girders than farmers in the fields; There are more rafters on the roof beam than the weaver girl on the loom; The protruding nail head is more than the millet in the barn; Uneven tile joints, more than people wear silk threads; There are more straight railings and horizontal thresholds than the corridors of Kyushu; Music that is monotonous and seldom changes is more than people's words in the city. People all over the world are afraid to say it, but their hearts are full of anger. Qin Shihuang, the tyrant, became increasingly arrogant and stubborn. So Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rose up and Liu Bang broke through Hangu Pass; Xiang Yu set a fire, but unfortunately the luxurious palace became a scorched earth!
alas! It was the six countries themselves that destroyed the six countries, not the State of Qin. It was the king of Qin himself who destroyed the state of Qin, not the people of the world. Alas! If the monarchs of the six countries can caress their own people, it will be enough to resist the state of Qin; If we can also cherish the people of the six countries, we can pass it on to the third generation and even to all generations to be emperors. Who can destroy him? The rulers of Qin state had no time to lament their own demise, but made future generations lament it; If future generations lament it instead of learning from it, then it is necessary for future generations to lament them.
tips for self-reading
Fu to Epanggong is selected from Du Mu's Collected Works of Fan Chuan. Du Mu (83-852), Mu Zhi. Jingzhao Wannian (now Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province) was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. This article was written in the first year of Emperor Jingzong's Bao Li of Tang Dynasty (825). The author said in the book "The Enlightenment of the Articles of the Upper Knowing Oneself": "Bao Li is a big palace, with a wide range of sounds and sounds, pretending to be" Epang Palace Fu ". Therefore, this fu is an allegory of the emperor by using the ancient irony, that is, the historical fact of Qin Shihuang's dissolute luxury and self-destruction
the article is well-structured and structured. The first half describes Qin Shihuang's extravagance by exaggeration: the first paragraph writes that the Epang Palace project is huge and magnificent; The second paragraph describes the extravagance and decay of court life. These two paragraphs are from the outside to the inside, from pavilions to character activities, and they are well written. The second half, from description to lyrical discussion. In the third paragraph, it is written that the extortions of the Qin Dynasty led to the peasant uprising. Overthrow its rule; The fourth paragraph is intended to summarize the historical lessons of Qin's death, pointing out that "future generations" (referring to the rulers at that time) will repeat the mistakes of history if they don't learn from them. These two paragraphs are very clear from ancient times to the present.
In this form, Fu emphasizes the neatness of words and the harmony of tones, and describes things to the utmost extent, and often makes some comments at the end to express the meaning of irony. It is a genre between poetry and prose. This paper has all these characteristics.
This article is full of passion, exquisite language and rich literary talent, both in description and discussion. Sometimes the parallel prose goes both ways, and changes in neatness; Sometimes the metaphor is apt and vivid; Sometimes parallelism is used to make the article full of momentum.
[1] unification.
[Shu Shan Wu, Afang Chu] The mountains in Sichuan are bare, and Afang Palace appears. Upright, the mountain is high and flat. It is described here that the trees on the mountain have been cut down completely. Out, out, means built.
[Covering more than 3 miles] (from Weinan to Xianyang) covers more than 3 miles. This is to describe the continuous succession of palaces and pavilions, covering an extremely wide area. Overlay, cover.
[isolated from the sun] covered the sun. This is to describe the height of palaces and castles.
[Lishan ... Xianyang] (Epang Palace) starts from the north of Lishan, turns to the west, and goes all the way to Xianyang (ancient Xianyang is in the northwest of Lishan). Go, trend.
[Erchuan Dissolution] Erchuan refers to Weishui and Fan Chuan. Dissolved, the river flows slowly.
The corridor is wide and tortuous. Corridor waist, the corridor connecting tall buildings, is like a person's waist, so it is said. I am lingering. Back, twists and turns.
[The eaves are pecking high] The eaves (like bird's beak) are pursed up. Cornice teeth, eaves protruding like teeth.
[each holds the terrain] each follows the terrain. This is the state in which buildings are built back to back with the height of the terrain.
[intrigue] The corners of the house are inward, and they are connected with each other like hooks; The corners of the house are facing each other, and they are like fighting each other. Heart, house heart. Corner, cornice.
[coiled and twisted, qūn qūn, honeycomb water vortex] hovering and buckling, like a honeycomb, like a water vortex. Yan is equivalent to "awe-inspiring" and "happy". The pavilion is built on the mountain, so it is like a hive and a water vortex. Dishes, circling. Hey, hey, the way it bends.
[I don't know its tens of millions] There are tens of millions of them standing. Sit, describe the way the building stands tall. The following "I don't know where it is" has the same usage. Fall, equivalent to "seat" or "place".
[The long bridge lies in waves, and there is no cloud, so why does the dragon appear when the long bridge lies on the water without clouds? The Book of Changes says that "clouds follow dragons", so people think that there should be clouds if there are dragons. This is to describe a long bridge like a dragon with pretentious words.
[Multiple Roads] A passage made of wood between pavilions. Because there are channels up and down, it's called multiple roads.
I can't tell the difference.
It means that people sing on the stage, and the music sounds as if it is full of warmth. Blend like spring. Harmony, harmony.
[Dancing in the temple with cold sleeves, the wind and rain are sad] means that people dance in the temple, and the sleeves are fluttering, which seems to bring cold, as cold as the wind and rain.
[concubines and concubines (qi á ng)] refers to the palace concubines of the princes of the six countries. They have their own ranks (the rank of princess is higher than that of concubine and concubine). I am a man who marries him, and I can also be a man who marries him. The following "prince and grandson" refers to the daughters and granddaughters of the five princes of the Six Kingdoms.
[farewell downstairs to the temple, chariot (ni m ? n) came to Qin] farewell (of the six countries) to the palace, and take a chariot to Qin.
[The star is shining, and the makeup mirror is also turned on] (Light is like) The star is shining, which is the mirror for (an official) to open the dressing room. Yingying, bright appearance. The following four sentences are in the same sentence pattern.
[I'm tired of rising] I have a cream (the "fat water" for washing my face containing rouge and powder).
[pepper orchid] two kinds of spice plants.
the sound of cars is getting farther and farther. Rolling, the sound of the car dealership.
[One muscle, one capacity, and the best appearance] Any part of the skin, any kind of appearance, is extremely charming. State refers to the beauty of posture. Yan, beautiful
[stand] for a long time.
[fortunately] when the emperor went to a place in feudal times, he was called "lucky". Princess and concubine are favored by the emperor and called "lucky". "Lucky" here includes the above two meanings.
[Thirty-six years] The reign of Qin Shihuang was thirty-six years. According to the twenty-sixth year of Qin Shihuang (221 BC), China was unified, and he died in the thirty-seventh year (29 BC), and he was emperor for twelve years. Here, thirty-six years is the number of years of his reign, which describes a long time.
[Collection] refers to things such as gold and jade treasures. The following "management" and "elite" also mean this.
[Piao (piāo) plunders his people] and takes it from the people. Plagiarism, robbery, plunder. People, people Tang avoided the taboo of Emperor Taizong and Li Shimin, and changed the people into people. The following "people also miss their families", "six countries love their people" and "Qin Fu loves the people of the six countries
" are the same.
[overlapping] accumulation.
[ding dang (chēng) jade, gold nuggets and pebbles] Take Baoding (as an iron pot), beautiful jade (as a head), gold (as a clod) and pearls (as a stone. A shallow pan with a flat bottom.
[suddenly (l ǐ y ǐ)] is continuous. It means "connected" and "everywhere".
In ancient times, a spear was equal to six baht, and one baht was about one quarter of zhū)〕 later one or two. When "Zha" and "Zhu" are used together, it is extremely subtle < P > [the pillar of a negative building] that bears the pillars.
[phosphorus phosphorus] The way stones stand out in the water. The protruding nail head is described here.
[Geng (y incarnation)] An open-air barn.
[Nine Earths] Kyushu.
[Dufu] refers to Qin Shihuang.
[solid] stubborn.
[Garrison Shout] refers to the Wu Guang Uprising in Chen She.
[Hangu Ju] In 26 BC, Liu Bang led troops into Xianyang, overthrew the rule of Qin Dynasty, and sent troops to keep Hangu Pass. Lift, pull and capture.
[The Chu people burned a torch] means that Xiang Yu (the descendant of Xiang Yan, the Chu general) also entered Xianyang in 26 BC and burned the palace of Qin, and the fire did not go out in March.
[clan] is used as a verb to exterminate the clan and kill the people of the clan.
[pass] pass, pass it down in the order.
(1) What is the background and purpose of the author's writing this article?
analysis: to answer this question, please refer to the self-reading tips. "Epang Palace Fu" was written in the first year of Emperor Jingzong's Bao Li of Tang Dynasty, that is, in 825 AD, Du Mu said in "An Intimate Article": "Bao Li has a big palace, and he pretends to be" Epang Palace Fu ". Tang Jingzong Li Zhan succeeded to the throne at the age of 16. He was greedy for debauchery, built a lot of buildings, indulged in extravagant feasts, ignored state affairs, and sought to visit strangers, hoping to get the elixir of immortality. Therefore, he was killed by eunuch Liu Keming after three years in office. Anticipating the dangerous situation in the Tang Dynasty, the author used this poem to write that Qin was profligate, lustful and extravagant in building Epang Palace, wasting people's money and eventually ruining the country. In fact, he used the story of Qin to satirize the present events of the Tang Dynasty and advised the rulers of the Tang Dynasty to learn from the past, not to mourn without learning, and finally ended up with the result that "future generations will mourn for future generations".
(2) what is the structural level of this paper?
analysis: the four paragraphs of the full text can be divided into two parts.
in the first part (paragraphs 1 and 2), from the outside to the inside, from the pavilion building to the people's activities, the grand and luxurious Epang Palace is described, and the life in the palace is extremely dissolute and extravagant.
Paragraph 1: Describe that Epang Palace is magnificent and luxurious.
two even sentences on the first floor (the first 12 words of the paragraph) explain the huge cost behind building the palace.
On the second floor ("Overpressure" ...... "Go straight to Xianyang"), write about the great power of the palace.
The third floor ("Erchuan Dissolved" ... "I don't know the west east") renders the palace magnificent, luxurious, magnificent and spectacular.
People's activities in the palace on the fourth floor ("the platform is warm" ... "the climate is uneven").
Paragraph 2: Describe the debauchery and extravagance of the ruler's life.
on the first floor (the first six sentences), write the source of imperial secretary for fun.
On the second floor ("Star Yingying" ...... "Thirty-six years of shame"), it is extremely written that life in the palace is dissolute and extravagant.
On the third floor (the rest of the sentences), the description of debauchery from jewelry displays reveals looting.
In the second part (paragraphs 3 and 4), it is pointed out that "Qin loves extravagance" and shows no sympathy for the people's strength will naturally lead to the fate of extinction, and Tang Jingzong and Li Zhan are advised not to make the same mistakes as the Qin Dynasty.
Paragraph 3: Point out the fate that Qin will die.
on the first floor ("use it like sand"), the rulers of Qin dynasty were accused of selfish interests.