1 The LORD your God brought you to the land where you are going to possess it, and drove out many nations from before you, namely, the Hittites, the Gaza, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, the Jebusites, and the peoples of seven countries, all of whom were stronger than you.
When the LORD your God delivers them to you for slaughter, you shall completely destroy them; you shall not make a covenant with them, nor spare them.
Do not marry them, nor give your daughter to their son; And don't let your son marry their daughter,
For he will turn your son away from following the Lord and serve other gods, so that the anger of the Lord will burn against you and destroy you quickly.
But this is what you are to do to them: tear down their altars, smash their sacred statues, cut down their puppets and burn their carved idols with fire.
Because you belong to the Lord your God, a holy people, and the Lord your God has chosen you as his own people from all the peoples of the earth.
The Lord loves you and chooses you, not because you are more than all peoples, but because you are the smallest among all peoples.
Because the Lord loved you and kept his oath to your fathers, he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery and from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
Therefore, know that the Lord your God is God and a faithful God. He keeps his covenant and shows mercy to those who love him and keep his commandments for thousands of generations.
10 repay the person who hates him to his face and destroy him. Those who hate him will repay them without delay.
1 1 Therefore, you should keep and do the commandments, statutes and judgments that I command you today.
12 If you really listen to and do these statutes, the LORD your God will keep his covenant and show mercy, as he swore to your fathers.
13 He will love you, bless you and increase your number; He will also bless the fruit of your body, the fruit of the land, the grain, the new wine, the oil, the calves and the lambs in the land he swore to your fathers to give you.
14 You will be blessed above all peoples; There are no infertile men or women among you, and there are no infertile animals.
15 the Lord will take all diseases away from you, and will not impose all the evil diseases of Egypt you know on you, but only on all those who hate you.
16 You shall destroy all the people the LORD your God has given you, and do not spare them. You shall not serve their gods, for this will be a snare to you.
17 if you say in your heart,' There are more people in these countries than me, how can I drive them out?'
Do not be afraid of them, but remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and all the land of Egypt.
19 The great experiments, signs, wonders, powerful hands and outstretched arms that you saw with your own eyes were all used by the Lord your God to bring you out. So will the LORD your God do to all those whom you fear.
Moreover, the Lord your God will send wasps among them until those who remain flee from your destruction.
2 1 Do not be frightened by them, for the LORD your God is a great and terrible God among you.
The Lord your God will gradually drive out the people of these countries from before you, and you must not destroy them quickly, lest wild animals multiply and hurt you.
The Lord your God will deliver them into your hands and greatly disturb them until they are destroyed.
I will give their king into your hand, and you will destroy their name from under heaven. No one can stand before you until you destroy them.
Burn their carved gods with fire, and do not covet the silver and gold on them, lest you be snared by them, for this is an abomination to the Lord your God.
You can't bring disgusting things into your home, or you will be convicted of destruction like that. You must be disgusted, disgusted, because this is something to be destroyed.
Scripture segmentation:
Section 1/5: Abide by the Covenant of the Lord (in election)
Section 6/ 1 1: Understanding the mighty works of the Lord
Section 12/ 16: Keep God's covenant, and you will be blessed.
Section 17/26: understanding the power of the Lord
Scripture sharing:
This passage tells us that God promised Israel to conquer the land of Canaan. He assured the people that they would win, and warned the Israelites not to go on the road against God's promise after entering the land of Canaan.
The expedition in the land of Canaan was not Israel's own act, but God's mighty act. He led the Israelites into the land of Canaan (1 verse) and drove away seven families in Canaan (verse 2). Just like in Egypt, God led the Israelites to victory with his mighty arm (verse 17/24). What Israel wants to do is to destroy seven Canaanites. It is not an unjust act of God to destroy seven Canaanites. God told Abraham that in the fourth generation, they will come back here, because the iniquity of the Amorites is not full. "That is to say, the reason why they are fighting in Canaan now is that they are full of sins, and their sins have defiled the promised land. Through the sacred standards of God, the purpose of exterminating the seven families in Canaan is to exterminate the evil in Canaan. This is not the aggression of the national center, nor is it an evil movement. Because if the Israelites don't obey God's command, they will also experience extinction (v. 4) and be invaded by others. The historical period of Israel is a very good example (such as the period of judges and kings).
Therefore, God promised that Israel would win when it entered the land of Canaan, and pointed out that there were five things that Israel could not do (v. 2/4). There are two main aspects: one is that you can't sign a contract, and the other is that you can't get married. Because the Canaanites worship idols, if they make a contract with the Canaanites to get married, it will very easily lead the Israelites to stay away from God and worship idols, just like the Baal-pil incident. Therefore, God wants to cut off the relationship between Israel and idols in all aspects. What God wants Israel to do is to destroy all the idols in Canaan.
God wants Israel to forsake their idols and sanctify them, because you are the holy people of the Lord your God, and the Lord your God has chosen you as his own people from all the peoples on the earth. God's choice of Israel is not that Israel is superior to others, but God's love and unconditional choice (1 Corinthians. 1:26/29). Therefore, God's chosen children should know this God, Deuteronomy 7:9. Therefore, you should know that the Lord your God is a God, a faithful God, who keeps his covenant and shows kindness to those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. On the contrary, people who hate evil spirits, God's disaster will befall that person.
In this way, God pointed out that if Israel abides by his covenant, they will be blessed, not only for victory in the war (section 17/24), but also for life, including rich native products, increased livestock, increased breeding population and staying away from diseases (section1215). Therefore, when the Israelis win the battle, they should abandon all idols and worship so as not to become a stumbling block (sections 16, 25/26).
1. The purpose of God's choosing Israel is to sanctify them and abandon all idolatry. Meditation, God chose us unconditionally, and it is the choice of love, but to make us holy and glorify God. So how do we sanctify each other in life? (See 2/5, 25/26)
2. God told the chosen children not to make a Covenant with foreigners, nor to marry foreigners in marriage. The purpose is to be holy and away from the worship of all idols. When we meditate, what are our principles of marriage as Christians today? Are they the same as those social values? What do we value about marriage?