What specific days do you mean by approaching the sun?

This Jesus Christ is coming soon, but Jesus Christ, as the son of man, doesn't know: no one knows that day and that hour, not even the angel in heaven, not even the son, only the father knows. In the days of Noah, the Son of Man will also come. In the days before the flood, people ate, drank and married as usual until the day Noah entered the ark. Unconsciously, the flood came and washed them all away. The son of man will also come (Matthew. 24:36-39).

Although we don't know when Jesus Christ will come again, when we see all this, we should know that the Son of Man is near at the door (Matthew. 24:33). So be careful and self-controlled, and be alert and pray. The most important thing is to really love each other, because love can cover up many sins. We should entertain each other without complaint. Everyone should serve each other according to the gifts he has received, and be good stewards of God's various gifts. 4:7- 10).

May the word of God spread in your heart like showers and spring rains!