Translated for you as follows:
Cui Zizhong, the word green earthworm. His ancestral home is Pingdu, Shandong Province. When Zi Zhong was studying in a public school, his family was very poor. The reasoning written in the article is very profound. I failed many times in the imperial examination and gave up the scientific examination. The earth walls of Chai Men residential houses are simple, but clean and tidy; A coarse coat in winter and a gingerbread shirt in summer. My wife is also a coarse coat, and she works hard, and all three daughters can read. Although there is no long-term livelihood, life is calm. Cui Zizhong is good at drawing, often drawing some desperate situations, and pinning his pride through artistic conception; Better than painting a portrait, there is nothing untrue. Most of the nobles at that time were willing to associate with him, but he always avoided ignoring others. I don't like drinking. Two or three old friends exchanged words and chatted all day. Other scholars came from other places to admire him and want to see him, but most of them were rejected. Some people say he is a little strange. He laughed: "Too many contacts, too close contacts, easy to produce cronies, the history of the late Eastern Han Dynasty can be used for reference." Later, as expected, some people established their own henchmen by engaging in complex society. It can be seen that his ability to see is so high! Few people know his ancient poems except that he can draw. Dong Qichang once commented that his people, writings and paintings were not common in modern times.