My favorite month of the year is December, the last month of the year. For me, this is the most magical and wonderful month in twelve months. It snows in December, usually for the first time in a year. Everything is covered with white. I have snowball fights with my friends, make snowmen, and sometimes make snow angels. Not only that, in December, there is the best holiday, Christmas. Everything is very happy on Christmas Eve. We sing Christmas carols and wait for the legendary Santa Claus. Whenever it comes to 1 February 3 1st, I begin to think of what happened in this perfect time of1February, and look forward to next month,1month.
My favorite month is December, the last month of the year. For me, this is the most magical and wonderful month. It snows every year1February, usually at the beginning of the year. Everything is covered with snow. I have a snowball fight with my friends, make a snowman, or be a snow angels. Not only that, in1February, there is the most beautiful festival, Christmas. Happy Christmas Eve, we will sing Christmas carols, wait, Santa Claus. When 1 February 3 1 day comes, I will review what happened in the perfect1February and look forward to next month and1month.