A literary tabloid about ancient poetry.

Confucius' Family Praise

Taishi Gong said: The Book of Songs says: "Mountains make people look up, and virtue makes people follow suit." Although I can't reach the highest point, I always yearn for it. When I read Kong's book, I imagined him as a man. When I came to Lu, I visited the Confucius Temple, the car, the clothes and the sacrificial vessels. Many students study etiquette at his home on time, but I can't bear to leave. Kings of the world, until there are many sages! Most of them are the glory of the time, and the past is the past. Confucius, a common people, has been handed down for more than ten generations, and scholars regard him as their master. China talked about the Six Arts from the Emperor to the vassal, all according to the judgment of Confucius. He is the highest saint!