If you already have the answer.
From the moment I met you.
I already know I'm not the first.
I turned myself into yours.
A near-perfect victim
Yo me propongo ser de tí I let me be yours.
A volcano that erupts at any time, maybe it is love.
Abnormal pain is very common.
As you will see, I'm still alive and well.
Será cuestion de suerte y ... It's because of my luck.
I think I'm beginning to understand.
Slowly, slowly, you will begin to understand.
We have longed for each other since we were born.
(Tessie Ento, Tessie Ento, Tessie Ento Estrezer) (I felt you, I felt you before I was born)
I think our meeting is about to begin.
(adentro, adentro te vas quedando) (In my heart, you must stay in my heart)
Women are intuitive.
Dear, I have prepared everything for love.
I have a request.
The error is converted into a satisfactory error.
Yo me propongo ser de ti Now I make myself yours.
A volcano, a volcano, maybe love.
Abnormal pain is very common.
As you will see.
Long live we ... I'm fine.
Será cuestion de suerte y ... because I'm lucky.
I think I'm beginning to understand.
Slowly, slowly, you will begin to understand.
We have longed for each other since we were born.
(Tessie Ento, Tessie Ento, Tessie Ento Estrezer) (I felt you, I felt you before I was born)
I think our meeting is about to begin.
(adentro, adentro te vas quedando) (In my heart, you must stay in my heart)
Women are intuitive.
Dear, I have prepared everything for love.
I think I'm beginning to understand.
Slowly, slowly, you will begin to understand.
We have longed for each other since we were born.
(Tessie Ento, Tessie Ento, Tessie Ento Estrezer) (I felt you, I felt you before I was born)
I think our meeting is about to begin.
(adentro, adentro te vas quedando) (In my heart, you must stay in my heart)
Women are intuitive.
... Rastra Inti Sion ... intuitive.