What are the practical guiding significance of The Doctrine of the Mean and The Theory of Destiny for the Belt and Road Initiative?

This chapter describes the appearance and bearing of a gentleman, and the three changes are not the changes of the gentleman himself, but gradually approaching from the perspective of the relationship between the communicator and the gentleman. This passage is a portrait of Confucius with both form and spirit in the eyes of students. Extended information: What kind of person is a gentleman? A gentleman has three virtues: three fears, three joys, three precepts, three thoughts, three changes, three provinces and three times. Confucius said, "A gentleman has three virtues: benevolence without worry, knowledge without confusion, and courage without fear." Confucius said, "A gentleman has three fears: fear of destiny, fear of adults and fear of the words of saints." Yang is worthy of the sky, regardless of people, but also happy; Confucius said, "A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, his blood gas is uncertain, so he should be careful; It is also strong and bloody, and it is fighting; Even when you are old, your blood is failing, and you should give it up. " Confucius said, "A gentleman should think twice: if he learns a lot, he will be incompetent; If you don't teach, you will die without thinking; No effort, no poverty. " Xia Zi said: "There are three changes in a gentleman: looking at it; Even if it is warm; Listen to what he says. " Ceng Zi said, "I visit three times a day, and I am unfaithful to others. Don't believe in making friends? Can't you pass it on? " Gentleman's three mistakes: if you don't say it, you will be impatient; Words without words are hidden; As far as color is concerned, it is called "Bi". As far as the present situation is concerned, there is no one who meets the above conditions before.