The following is an introduction to synonyms:
Synonyms refer to words with the same or similar lexical meanings, such as beauty, beauty, laziness, laziness, dryness, spaciousness and broadness. Words with similar meanings to synonyms are synonyms.
Degree of meaning: Many synonyms represent similar things conceptually, but there are differences in degree. Such as "trust" and "trust". "Believe" means "think it is right or certain", which is relatively light; "Trust" means "trust and dare to entrust", which is a deeper level.
The key point of significance: "sophistry" and "sophistry" both refer to "unreasonable argument", but sophistry focuses on "sophistry", that is, "fraud and strangeness, using fraudulent means, bizarre arguments and specious arguments to defend their fallacies"; "Sophistication" focuses on "cunning", that is, "dishonesty, trickery, distortion of facts, and cunning defense of one's wrong words and deeds"
Refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Synonyms for the above information.