After the death of Confucius, students not only often talk about his thoughts, morals and experiences, but also often recall his daily life clearly. Confucius paid great attention to his manners and appearance. In dealing with people, everything is polite, gentle in words and deeds, elegant in actions, and has developed some good habits in food, clothing, housing and transportation. For example, after drinking with a countryman, we always let the older people go first and then quit. Don't talk to others while eating; Don't talk too much before going to bed.
Confucius not only paid attention to politeness, but also emphasized the necessity of true feelings. He is very compassionate. Confucius liked singing very much, but when someone held a funeral, he stopped singing that day. He never gets enough to eat beside people whose relatives have died. He saw a blind man and a man in mourning, even if the other was young, he would stand up; What I met on the road was also met soon. One day, a blind musician came to see Confucius, who greeted him quickly. When the musician reached the edge of the steps, Confucius told him, "This is the steps". When he came to the mat, Confucius told him, "This is a mat." . After the musician sat down, Confucius introduced the people in the room to him one by one and said, "So-and-so is sitting here and so-and-so is sitting there." After seeing off the musician, the student Zhang asked, "Isn't this too much trouble?" Confucius replied, "You should receive the blind in this way." . Once the stable caught fire, Confucius quickly asked, "Did you hurt anyone?" Don't ask if you hurt the horse. A student of Confucius was arrested and imprisoned for something. Confucius did not dislike him, thinking that "although he went to prison, it was not his fault", so he married his daughter.
Confucius also cherished animals. It is said that a dog raised by Confucius died, so Zi Gong buried it. He said to Zigong, "I heard that you should not throw away broken curtains to bury horses;" Don't throw away the broken car cover to bury the dog. I don't even have a hood. You can cover the dog with my broken cushion and don't let it show its head! "
Confucius likes making friends very much. He cherishes the feelings of his friends, and even people with different styles refuse to break up easily. This is his relationship with hala. Yuanrang was a native of Lu and a friend of Confucius in his early years. He is bohemian and informal, and his ideological style is quite different from that of Confucius. But Confucius got along well with him and kept close contact with him until he was old. Confucius gives the impression of modesty, but he resolutely does what he thinks should be done and perseveres. He said: "It is not courage to see what should be done morally but not to do it." He also put forward the idea of "being a teacher".
Cai Yuanpei: Call the freshmen "sir".
19 16 winter, Mr. Cai Yuanpei became the president of Peking University. At that time, the transportation was very simple, and you had to take a carriage when you took office. When Mr. Cai got out of the carriage, he saw the school gate, and many people greeted him in the alley. It turns out that this is the school rule, and the workers must welcome them according to etiquette. The entourage said to Mr. Cai, "Please." As he walked forward, Mr. Cai Yuanpei took off his hat and greeted the workers who welcomed him on both sides, and nodded happily to thank them. He kept saying: "Thank you, everyone has worked hard!" The workers were very moved to see this scene, and they all praised: "Mr. Cai is really an approachable good man!" " If this happened today, of course, there is nothing to promote. However, in the early years of the Republic of China, the feudal monarchy was overthrown, and Mr. Cai Yuanpei abandoned the bad customs and habits of the old officialdom and was courteous to ordinary people. This courtesy to Shu Ren is admirable.
At that time, a student named Ma was admitted to the long-awaited Peking University. On the day of registration, the sky was clear and the climate was pleasant. The horse walked quickly into the school gate of Peking University. I didn't expect to see a notice as soon as I entered the gate: all freshmen who come to the school newspaper must submit a guarantee signed and sealed by the current Beijing (Beiping) official before they can register.
After the horse read the announcement, his joy vanished, and a feeling of being fooled suddenly welled up in his heart. He angrily wrote a letter to President Cai Yuanpei. The letter wrote: "I came from afar to breathe the air of democracy and cultivate the spirit of independence and self-esteem. I didn't expect to be forced to kowtow to smelly bureaucrats for mercy before I entered school, which made me quite disappointed. I firmly stated that if I must pay the deposit, I will resolutely drop out of school. " The speech inevitably reveals dissatisfaction with the school headed by Mr. Cai Yuanpei. After the letter was sent, Ma didn't have much hope. After all, he is a famous headmaster in China, and he is just a little-known freshman. What good results can he have? Just to save my self-esteem and vent my resentment. Therefore, the horse began to pack up and prepare to pursue his new future.
Who would have thought that a few days later, Ma suddenly received a letter, and he couldn't guess who wrote it to himself for a long time. When he opened it, he saw that it said "Mr. Yuan Cai" (that is, Mr. Ma) at the beginning, and hurriedly looked at the signature below. It was actually the handwriting of President Cai Yuanpei: "Brother Yuan Cai is sincere." The horse was almost breathless with excitement and calmed down. Before deciding, if Mr. Wang thinks I can personally guarantee it, please go to the principal's office and ask the secretary-general to sign and seal on his behalf. "
The letter shows that although Mr. Cai Yuanpei is the head of a school, he has never been assertive and arbitrary. Instead, he earnestly abides by the rules and regulations of the school and respects the decisions made by professors and professors' meetings, although he himself does not agree with the practice of handing in letters of guarantee. Between the lines, Mr. Cai Yuanpei's sincere feelings for students are also revealed. After reading the letter, Ma was very upset: President Cai Yuanpei was so busy and treated him with courtesy, which was unforgettable. Later, Mr. Ma Zhaobei wrote in his memoirs: "This incident has deeply affected my life." .
Tao Xingzhi: Be a camel.
A child's mother gave the child a good beating and told the child's teacher about it because she fiddled with a gold watch that she had just bought home as a fresh toy. Unexpectedly, the teacher said humorously, "I'm afraid an Edison in China was shot by you." Mother doesn't understand what this means. The teacher analyzed it and said to her, "This behavior of children is a manifestation of creativity. You shouldn't hit children. You should free your child's hands and give him a chance to start working at an early age. "
"What should I do now?" Mother listened to the teacher and regretted her behavior.
"There are remedies." The teacher went on to say, "You can take the children to the watch shop and let them stand by and see how the watchmaker can fix it." In this way, watch shops become classrooms, clockmakers become teachers, your children become students, the cost of repairing watches becomes tuition fees, and your children's curiosity can be satisfied. Maybe he can learn to repair it! "
The teacher in this story is Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator in China.
Enter the reflection room by yourself.
Mr. Tao Xingzhi, in the early days of founding Nanjing Xiaozhuang School, made a rule that all teachers, students and employees were not allowed to drink alcohol, and offenders should go into the introspection room to reflect.
Once, farmers in Xiaozhuang invited President Tao to dinner, and the farmers offered him a glass of wine. Tao Xingzhi repeatedly explained that he could not drink, but the farmers insisted: "If you don't drink, you will look down on us farmers. If you look down on us, you won't be our friend. "
Tao Xingzhi had no choice but to drink the wine. The farmers are very happy and regard President Tao as their friend. Where did they know that? As soon as Tao Xingzhi returned to school, he immediately went into the introspection room.
I am willing to be a camel for the suffering children.
194 1 year, Tao Xingzhi showed revolutionary heroism under extreme difficulties and severe persecution. In the shadow of the anti-* *, prices have skyrocketed, and the expenses of Yucai schools have been extremely difficult, and there are often worries about food shortage. He even sent out the feeling that "I want to race against the rice price" now. Chen Lifu, Minister of Education of the Kuomintang government, took the opportunity to propose to him that if he agreed to send a subject director, he could allocate all the funds, but Tao Xingzhi flatly refused. At the most difficult moment of the economy, Tao Xingzhi had no choice but to announce that the whole school would tighten its belts and eat two meals a day. He even proposed to tide over the difficulties with the spirit of "learning" like Wu Xun. 1On September 25th, 944, when Tao Xingzhi wrote an inscription for the portrait of Wu Xun painted by the painter Shen Shuyang, he wrote affectionately: "I would like to be a camel for the suffering children; It is good for people, and cattle and horses do it. "
Tao Xingzhi scrimped and saved, and gave all his donations to the children. I often wear my clothes and run around in front of rich adults and wives. When he came back from England, he bought a rain coat. It was dirty and worn for a long time, so he turned it over and put it on. Once I went to see a rich man, and the informant said, "I'm sorry, sir, but our host never receives people dressed like this." Please go back. " Tao Xingzhi took his time, took out a business card and handed it to him, so the man had to respectfully send it in.
In Xiaozhuang Normal University, Tao Xingzhi wears straw sandals and carries dung, and works with everyone to plant land, vegetables and fish. He invited Tang Laotou, an excellent cultivator in Tangjiawa, to teach everyone how to cultivate, and he himself became a student of Tang Laotou. He said, 360 lines, each line is the best, and each line has our teacher. At that time, everyone swept the floor, wiped the table and cooked ... Everything in life didn't need waiters or chefs, and Tao Xingzhi was personally involved.
Mei Yiqi: Don't take a penny.
193 1 In winter, 42-year-old Mei Yiqi was appointed president of Tsinghua University. After that, he was re-elected as President of Tsinghua University 17 years, including The National SouthWest Associated University for 8 years. After he took office, he lived in the official residence of the then statutory principal. According to the old practice, even toilet paper is provided by the public and delivered by public servants on time. He voluntarily gave up some "privileges" that he could enjoy and paid the wages of his own workers; Pay the phone bill yourself; I don't want the school to provide two tons of coal for free every month; His family is never allowed to take a bus because of private affairs, so his wife can only take his car when she goes to town with him. His requirements in life are simple, he never pays attention to food and is careful about everything. Some report outlines and official letters drafted by Mei Yiqi with some waste paper heads are still kept in the archives of Tsinghua University, witnessing his clean and thrifty work style.
In that disastrous era, the economy in Kuomintang-controlled areas was increasingly depressed and people's lives were extremely poor. As a teacher, the life of a professor is also miserable. Many of them gave up the comfort of living abroad, were content with poverty, and never stopped teaching, which reflected the lofty spiritual ethics of outstanding intellectuals in China. Mei Yiqi, like many teachers in The National SouthWest Associated University, holds the belief of "saving the country through science and education". His younger brother Mei Yibao later recalled: "During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, Mei Yiqi, as the president of the university and the executive member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, often ate white rice mixed with peppers and sometimes a spinach tofu soup meal, and the whole family was very satisfied." In The National SouthWest Associated University, there is also a story about Mrs May's homemade rice cakes. A monthly salary of 1938- 1939 can support a family for three weeks, and then the soaring prices can't last for the second half of the month. As a result, the wives of professors showed their magical powers and traveled across the ocean: some embroidered scarves, some made hats, and some made food. Mrs. Mei has poor eyesight, so she cooperated with others to make a rice cake with 70% rice, 30% glutinous rice and sugar, and named it "Ding Sheng cake", which means "winning". Mrs May walks to Guan Sheng Garden for 45 minutes with a basket on her arm every day. Because of President Mei Yiqi's face, Mrs May was secretive when selling cakes, but it was still known. As a result, the story of Mrs May selling "Ding Sheng Cake" with a basket spread like wildfire.
Mei Yiqi lived a clean life and had no savings. The hospitalization expenses after illness and the funeral expenses after death were donated by alumni. According to Han Yonghua's memory, there was a handbag next to his hospital bed, and he never left his hand. When he opened it after his death, it turned out to be the accounts of the Tsinghua Fund over the years, which were clear and clear, and all the people present were moved by it. Although he held several senior leadership positions in the Ministry of Education at that time and was in charge of the Tsinghua Fund with hundreds of thousands of dollars for a long time, he was able to stick to his principles all his life and left no legacy after his death. As Lin Gongxia said: "He has been in his alma mater for more than ten years. Although Tsinghua has abundant funds, he has never taken a penny. Keeping noble and clean in a polluted society is really a saint's behavior. Only this can be the teacher of all ages. "
Chen Heqin: I want to be a teacher in the afterlife.
Chen Heqin is a famous preschool educator in China, who graduated from Tsinghua University in his early years. 19 14, Chen Heqin won the boxer indemnity Scholarship to study in the United States. Studying medicine was the wish of many international students at that time. Because it is beneficial to the country and the people, and it is easy to get employment after graduation. Chen Heqin was originally the same volunteer. But during the voyage across the Pacific Ocean, Chen Heqin struggled ideologically: "What is my ambition? Is it for personal life? Never! Do you live for a family? Never! My ambition is to' serve mankind and do my best for the country' ... Doctors cure diseases and I cure diseases. I like children, and children like me. I'd better study education and go back and teach them. " Chen Heqin, eager to save the country, finally made up his mind to give up studying medicine and devote himself to the education of the suffering motherland after repeated thinking.
Chen Heqin cares more about his students than his own children. A classmate's father died and his family was in financial difficulties, so he was about to drop out of school. Chen Heqin tries to get her mother to work in the library so that students can continue reading. Another student's grandfather forced her to marry her brother-in-law to fill the house and threatened to cut off financial support. Chen Heqin wrote a letter to the local governor of the student's hometown, asking him to handle this matter fairly and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the students. The local governor appreciated Chen Heqin and ordered the student's grandfather to provide her with the necessary money and food on time, and respected her marital autonomy. Later, the local governor gave up his official position and came here to teach Chen Heqin's kindergarten teacher.
1951August, the Central Ministry of Education held the first national conference on primary education and normal education, and Chen Heqin attended the conference as a special representative. At the closing banquet of the meeting, he was elected by the delegates to say a few words. He said: "I am 60 years old this year. If someone asks me,' What do you want to do in the next life?' I said,' I still want to be a teacher'. Q: "Why?" I said,' Because I like children so much'. "
Li Furen: The last one to cross the river.
Li Furen, China people's educator and president of Yan 'an University, emphasized "being a teacher" and "setting an example". 1On August 6th, 947, Li Furen led the teachers and students of Yan 'an University to live in Mutouyu on the bank of the Yellow River. At this time, Jiang Hu's army (referring to Hu Zongnan) came from three sides, and the superior ordered it to advance eastward along the river. However, there were few ferries at Mutouyu Ferry at that time, and many people, things and animals gathered. As the enemy approached, teachers and students were nervous and scrambled for the ferry. Li Furen took his time, ordered the high school and the education class to cross the river first, and then organized other teachers and students to stay and wait. Someone was concerned to let him get on the boat first. He said, "I want to cross the river at last. I want to see every student being sent across the river before I get on the boat! " The next day, Li Furen led the teachers and students north along the river and crossed the Yellow River by boat in Tanjiaping.
Yang Changji: Ethics professor emphasizes teaching by example.
Yang Changji word Watson, later renamed Huai. Bancang, Changsha, Hunan, was a famous scholar and educator in modern times. He was an active participant in the Reform Movement of 1898, a spiritual mentor of Hunan Xinmin Society, and a professor of "Ethics" and "Ethical History" in Peking University in his later years. He cultivated and influenced a large number of promising young people, such as Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen, with noble moral cultivation, the spirit of hard struggle and rigorous academic attitude.
From 65438 to 0909, Yang Changji studied in Britain. He paid great attention to studying the lifestyle of the British people and affirmed what was worth learning and using for reference. He observed and affirmed everything from freedom of speech and communication to not lying, spitting, borrowing money or using other people's money. He appreciates the habit of "westerners have clear boundaries on small things", for example, when sending a letter, if you borrow stamps from others, you must give money; Several people took a bus and walked into a restaurant. One person pays the money, and others have to make up for it. Yang Changji said that people in China are just different. They don't think such a small amount of money is worth paying back. If it is to pay back the money, it is to despise the payer; Sometimes, even if the money is paid back, the payee often pretends to be rude or angry, but he doesn't really want it. He thinks it's very bad to do so, which will easily lead to hypocrisy. Later, after Yang Changji returned to China, he earnestly implemented this "financial rights clarity doctrine". He often crosses the river to teach in Changsha, and sometimes students in the same boat pay for his boat. He will definitely return the boat money to the students afterwards.
Yang Changji is a man of rigorous scholarship and noble character. He firmly believes in his own ethics and strives to instill in students a norm of justice, morality, justice and benefit to society and mankind. He came back from studying in London. It happened that Tan, the governor of Hunan Province, was recruiting talents. I heard that Yang Changji was very famous and wanted to ask him to be the director of provincial education, but he politely declined. He didn't want to cater to the meanness and filth of officialdom, but chose a neglected position as a teacher in a normal school and wrote such a couplet to show his ambition: "The secluded peach garden is called Taigu, and it wants to plant trees to support the sky."
Zhang Boling: Quit smoking with students.
Zhang Boling, a famous educator in China, founded Nankai University, Nankai Girls' Middle School and Nankai Primary School after 19 19. He attaches great importance to the education of students' manners and manners and sets an example. Once, he found that a student's fingers were yellow by smoke, so he seriously advised the student: "Smoking is harmful to health, give it up." Unexpectedly, the student was a little unconvinced and quipped, "Is it harmful for you to smoke?" Zhang Boling smiled apologetically at the students' censure and immediately called on the workers to take away all Luzon cigarettes and destroy them in public. He also broke his beloved pipe that had been used for many years and sincerely said, "From then on, I quit smoking with all my classmates." Sure enough, he never smoked again after that.
Although Nankai is a private school, it is not a tool to make money. Nankai's funds are completely open, and the annual accounts are kept in the library, which anyone can check. Zhang Boling once said that anyone who checks the monthly accounts can tell you within five minutes. It's not a lie. He set an example of saving every penny at school. The reward he gets from his study every month is only a salary of the principal of the center. After the establishment of the university, he only added thirty or forty dollars to it, which was equivalent to half of the salary of college graduates at that time. Every time he goes to Beijing on business, in order to save money for the school, he always stays in an ordinary inn in Shi Jia Hutong outside Qianmen, and the room rate is one yuan a day. Zhang Boling often raises money for the school outside, and gives thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands to the school without any loss.
Xu Teli: Xiu De with Poetry
When Xu Teli was the principal of Hunan No.1 Women's Normal School, two large blackboards were hung in the corridor from the study room to the classroom and canteen. These two blackboards don't post notices, write proverbs or report school news. They are specially designed for Lao Xu to write poems. Lao Xu found that students have advantages and must write poems to praise them; When students are found to have shortcomings, they must write poems and criticize them. Therefore, writing poetry has become an indispensable job for Lao Xu, and it is also an important means of ideological and moral education for students.
Once, a student named Shan Xiuxia made an appointment with her classmates. Because the dormitory was turned off, she sneaked into the toilet to knit a sweater for her lover. The light in the toilet is on all night. Lao Xu stood outside the door and whispered, "Go to sleep, go to sleep!" Just wait for them to sleep immediately, thinking that Lao Xu will definitely scold them tomorrow, but the next day they are not scolded, only to see a poem written on the blackboard: "Last night, the toilet stole all the clothes." Love is very important. I agree. I am anxious and don't love myself. Running from east to west, not only playing with clothes but also chatting. Don't say that the conversation is thin, and it will disturb people's sleep at night. "
Si Xia: Students are an indispensable part of life.
Si Xia, a child born in a poor family in Zhuji, once taught in primary schools in Shaoxing, Xiaoshan and Hangzhou, Zhejiang. After entering the primary school affiliated to Nanjing Normal University from 1932, she has never left the land of primary education. During her 70-year teaching career, Miss Si Xia not only made the world full of peaches and plums, but also contributed her intelligence to the treasure house of educational thoughts, the most prominent of which was her theory of "childlike innocence and maternal love". In her explanation, as teachers, we should not only master knowledge, but also have childlike innocence and maternal love. Mix with your children and treat them as your own. This theory persisted in practice for many years after her retirement. Students have become an indispensable part of her life.
At the end of June, 2003, Mr Si Xia was admitted to the hospital because of renal failure. From then until her death, Mr. Si Xia struggled with illness in her hospital bed. During the period, Miss Li was in a coma for most of the time, but strangely, whenever a student came to visit, she always opened her eyes and called out the student's name accurately, which moved everyone present. Why can Miss Si Xia remember every student? According to an insider, Si Xia knew each of her students very well during her teaching, so she had to make home visits one by one. These meticulous work left an indelible memory for the old man.
In the first grade, before the children came to report for duty, Mrs. Smith would go door-to-door with a list of students to understand their personality characteristics and preferences, so when Mrs. Smith met the children at the beginning of school, she was already familiar with them.
Si Xia's granddaughter is 30 years old. When she was a child, she only stayed in the primary school attached to Heather University for one month. Asked why, she was a little shy: "Grandma works in the primary school affiliated to Heather University, and my mother is afraid that my schooling there will have a bad influence, so she asked me to transfer ..."
When Mr Si Xia was in his seventies, she played with the children to catch chickens and help them throw long ropes.
For many years after retirement, 90-year-old Si Xia insisted on visiting schools every day. Every year on Children's Day, she will visit every child in 30 classrooms of the school. Later, with the growth of age, it became more and more inconvenient for the teacher to move. She still insists on strolling to school every day. Later, Teacher Si visited the school with the help of her daughter.
Sue: No matter how poor my motherland is, I will fight for her.
193 1 year, Su received a doctor of science degree, which made him famous in the institute. Many famous universities in Japan hired him with higher vocational students and high salaries, and his wife and children were also in Japan. Where are you going? He thinks that the purpose of his going abroad is to find a way to save the country and the people. Now the motherland is in dire straits, and I want to use my knowledge and wisdom to save the suffering motherland. He resolutely returned to China.
/kloc-when War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression broke out in 0/937, Northeast Imperial University sent an urgent telegram to re-employ him as a professor of mathematics at the school, with preferential treatment. Soon after, I received an urgent telegram. My father-in-law, Mr Matsumoto, was critically ill, and invited the Su couple to Sendai for the last time. Sue was considerate of his wife's feelings and said to her, Go home, I want to stay in my own country. No matter how poor my motherland is, I will fight for her and serve her. Matsumoto thought about her husband's life and career. She was worried that if the war situation deteriorated, she might never return to Sue, so she also cancelled her trip to Japan.