There are interesting stories about Gao Shi.

Ji Yaoji: In the Kaiyuan period, poets Wang Changling, Gao Shi and Wang Zhihuan were equally famous. When the dust is uneven, but the tour is similar. One day, it was freezing and slightly snowy, and three poets were holding banners and pavilions and drinking wine. Suddenly, a dozen directors came to the pear garden, and they went upstairs to hold a banquet. Three poets, because they avoided their seats, watched with fire in their arms. There are four generations of wonderful prostitutes in Russia, which are endless, luxurious and beautiful, and all of them are exquisite. Spinning was for music, which was also a famous department at that time. Changling and others met privately and said, "My generation is good at poetry. If we don't decide our own names, we can watch closely what Zhu Ling is doing. It would be better if the poet had many lyrics. " Suddenly, I sang a song, singing: "Cold rain at night, Wu ..." Changling quoted me as saying: "A quatrain." He found another joke and said, "Open your eyes and cry ..." When appropriate, he quoted a hand-painted wall and said, "A quatrain." Looking for another melody, he said, "Give me a broom to open the golden palace ..." Changling drew a hand and said, "Two quatrains." Huan has been named for a long time because people say that "this generation is down and out, singing the words of Ba people." How can it be the song of Chun Xue, and you dare to do vulgar things! " Because he mentioned his daughter, he said, "If this son is not singing my poem, I will never dare to compare with him." Tuo is my poem. You should worship under the bed and worship me as a teacher. "Because of laughter. After a while, the second pair of body double's voice sounded. Then he said, "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds ..." The second son said, "Tian She slave, am I wasting my energy! "Laugh very harmonious. All the singers understand their reasons. They all say, "I wonder why husbands are so happy?" Zhang Changling talked with others about it. Zhu Lingjing bowed down and said, "I don't know the immortal, but I beg for the importance, so I bow down to the table. "The third son followed it and got drunk.

According to the textual research of Hu Yinglin in the Ming Dynasty, the story of "painting a wall and flag pavilion" is not credible, which is mainly based on the fact that the three poets of Kaiyuan had no chance to get together in Chang 'an. Nevertheless, this record provides an important reference for us to study Tang poetry and music, and the spread of Tang poetry. Music gives wings to poetry, and music gives new "packaging" to Tang poetry, which makes the speed and scope of the spread of Tang poetry in Chang 'an far exceed that of poetry only as words, because the words of poetry are still read and recited. The poet's popularity is also widely known unconsciously in the singing of poetry, as can be seen from three poets such as The Immortal.

Wang Zhihuan's poem sung by a young prostitute is:

The Yellow River is getting farther and farther away, because it flows in the middle of the Yellow River, and Yumenguan is located on a lonely mountain. Why use the elegy of willow to complain about the delay of spring, old Yumenguan, a spring breeze is not blowing!

This poem was once promoted by critics in Ming and Qing Dynasties as the representative work of the Seven Wonders of the Tang Dynasty. The overall style of poetry is broad and lively, and it is somewhat depressed in lightness. "Hating Willow" is a sad and touching Yang Liuqiu from the flute. The poet skillfully connected the flute Yang Liuqiu with the willows in nature, leaving no trace, and naturally transitioned to the harsh climate outside the Great Wall: the spring breeze was only Yumenguan. Later generations interpreted the "spring breeze" as the favor of the emperor, which should be said to be very smooth. A short quatrain contains endless meanings. No wonder Wang Zhihuan called his poem "Yangchun" and "Snow White". Unfortunately, there were only six poems by Wang Zhihuan, a famous poet in Kaiyuan period.