The three realms of personality cultivation: nothing, no self, and altruism

Original sentence: Yan Yuan, Ji Lushi. Confucius said: "What do you say about your aspirations?" Zi Lu said: "I wish that my chariots and horses, my clothes are light, and I can have sex with my friends, and I will have no regrets." Yan Yuan said: "I wish that there would be no cutting off the good and no hard work." Zi Lu said: Said: "I would like to hear about your ambition." Confucius said: "The old will be safe, the friends will believe in it, and the young will cherish it." "Gongye Chang 26"

Interpretation: One day, Yan Yuan and Ji Lu were waiting on the side. When Confucius was talking about Confucius, Confucius said: "What kind of ambitions do you each have? Tell us about it?" Zilu said: "My carriages, horses, fine clothes, and furs can all be used by friends. Even if they are worn out, they will still be used." It doesn't matter." Yan Yuan said, "I hope I can become a person who does not boast or boast." Zilu said to Confucius, "We want to hear the teacher's ambition." Confucius said, "I want to be an old man because of myself." Peace of mind, integrity in the eyes of friends, a person that young people can often miss.”

Impressions: Yan Yuan, Ji Lu, and Confucius each talked about their respective ideals of life. The realm of the three people is above ordinary people. But they are each different, representing the three ideal realms of life. Yan Yuan is not deceived by external things and breaks away from the fetters of material desires; Ji Lu only pursues doing practical things and doing good deeds in obscurity, and is unwilling to confess or brag. He does not care about external reputation and strives to cultivate himself; Confucius pays more attention to what can be done to others. What kind of feelings the people around him bring, so that everyone who gets along with him can have a good mood, grow, and gain something. Pursuing self-salvation and saving others after self-salvation without attaching importance to profit or reputation is a constantly upgrading personality realm, and it is also the direction that we ordinary people should learn and practice.