Metaphor in English is as follows:
Metaphor: metaphor. ?A rhetorical device in which a word or phrase is used to point out a common object or concept in place of another, thus suggesting similarities between them. A kind of metaphor. It is not directly stated that it is a metaphor, but it is actually an analogy. Commonly used is that achievement, becoming, becoming equal, etc. indicate that thing A is thing B.
Bilingual examples:
Their works are desperate metaphors for a society that is struggling in its death throes.
Their work is a despairing metaphor for a society in its death throes.
The film deftly uses inside jokes, self-identification and postmodern metaphors to question an over-civilized world.
Ripe with in-jokes, self-references, and post-modern metaphor, the movie questions a too-civilized world.
To use more metaphors, you want to run before you learn to walk, and I clip your wings.
To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings. ?
Rose is often used as a metaphor for love in poetry.
In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.
Please explain what metaphor is and give examples.
Please define what is metaphor, and give me an example.