The first poem: The years of learning Taoism are in vain, what do you want to do now? When I was alive, my country felt ashamed and useless, but when I died, I would never forget my relatives and hate them; I was confident that my loyalty would hang on the sun and the moon, no matter how much my bones were buried in the rivers and fishes. How sad are the ministers who have been ministers for a hundred years? Zixu was crying day and night.
Time flies, and now I have accomplished nothing in my studies. Why did God do this? I wanted to serve my motherland during my lifetime, but now I feel deeply ashamed and irreparable. Now that I am about to die, I think of my parents and feel extremely resentful. I was once full of confidence and loyal as the sun and the moon, but now I am about to be buried in the belly of a fish. What a tragic thing this is for the ministers. The sound of the tide day and night is crying to Wu Zixu, right? (Compared to Wu Zixu)
The second poem: Dare to bear the world's burdens, showing that you are willing to be punished by life and death. It is better to be useful if you are full of articles. A minister who has been a minister for a hundred years has nothing to be ashamed of. The trickling water flows into the sea, and now I can see it, while the snow fills the ditch and talks about the old things. In the past, who had the best clothes and the highest-grade scholar?
Dare to take on social responsibilities, even if your body is broken to pieces. What's the use of all these articles? I don't need to be ashamed if I do this. The rivers and seas are still there, but the snowflakes can only stay in people's conversations. In the past, whoever had noble moral character had a good son in his family.
(Mr. Yangming’s father was the number one scholar, so in the end he should be praised by people)