It is said that Su Shi once visited Prime Minister Wang Anshi: Wang Anshi was just receiving visitors, and Su Shi went to the study to wait. When Su Shi was wandering in the study, he saw poems on the case paper, which must be Wang Anshi's unfinished poems.
Su Shi watched and couldn't help laughing. It turns out that there are two poems written on the paper: "The bright moon is calling in the sky, and the yellow dog is lying in the heart." Su Shi thought: This is outrageous. How can the moon crow in the sky and the yellow dog lie in the heart of a flower? How can poetry be so absurd!
Su Shi wrote quickly, so he changed two poems, "The moon shines in the sky, and the yellow dog lies in the shade of flowers." A bright moon is hanging in the air, the moonlight shines on the earth, and a yellow dog lies in the shade of flowers. What a beautiful artistic conception Change two words, two nondescript poems, and it will become beautiful and artistic. Su Shi is very proud.
Wang Anshi came back and thought you were really smart and ignorant. Wait for an opportunity to show you what a bright moon is and what a yellow dog is.
Later, Su Shi was demoted to Hepu because of something, only to know that the bright moon can sing in the air and the yellow dog can lie in the heart. One day in Hepu, Su Shi saw a group of children talking noisily in front of the flowers: "Yellow dog Rollo, black dog Rollo, come out quickly!" Rollo rollo, rollo rollo. "Sushi is very curious. He went over and asked the child what to shout. The child said, let's tell the bug to come out quickly so as to catch it. When Su Shi looked carefully, he saw several yellow and black insects as big as sesame crawling in the stamens.
Ask the child again what kind of bug is this? The child said: yellow dog bug, black dog bug. Su Shi left the flowers and came to a banyan tree. He heard a bird singing in the trees, which he had never heard before. He asked the locals what kind of bird it was, and others told him it was called the bright moon bird. Then Su Shi remembered his revised poem, which turned out to be wrong.