Marx’s main works
Marx: Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (1843), On the Jewish National Question (1843), Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (1844), On Feuerbach (1845), The Poverty of Philosophy (1845), Wage Labor and Capital (1847), The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852), Grundrisse (1857) Year), Preface to the Critique of Political Economy (1859), The Theory of Surplus Value, Volume 3 (1862), Wages, Prices and Profit (1865), Capital, Volume 1 (1867), The French Civil War (1871) Year), Critique of the Gotha Program (1875)
Marx and Engels co-authored: The German Ideology (1845), The Holy Family (1845), The Communist Manifesto (1848), About the American Civil War (1861), Capital Volume II (1893), Capital Volume III (1894)
Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1818-1883) ), the founder of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the First International, the great mentor of the proletariat and working people around the world, was named the person who had the most profound influence on the world in the 20th century.
Marx’s Philosophy
Philosophy - the Liberated Mind
‘The liberation of the Germans is the liberation of man. This liberated mind is philosophy, and its heart is the proletariat. ’——“German Ideology”
‘Philosophy regards the proletariat as its material weapon, and similarly, the proletariat also regards philosophy as its spiritual weapon. ’ ——“German Ideology”
Marx believed that philosophy is the liberated mind of man, that is to say, it is the spiritual weapon of the liberator (the proletariat). He believed that the emergence of socialism was an inevitable trend of historical development. In order to prove its regularity, philosophy, as the liberated mind of man, should undertake such a task.
‘People and animals can be distinguished based on consciousness, religion or whatever. As soon as humans begin to produce their own means of living, a step determined by their physical organization, humans themselves begin to differentiate themselves from animals. People produce their own means of living and at the same time indirectly produce their own material life itself. ’ ——"German Ideology"
What distinguishes humans from animals is that they can produce the life data and production data they rely on for survival, while animals cannot. Once a person enters productive labor, he is fundamentally different from other animals. Because labor is required, production relations and other social relations must be formed in advance. People's labor productivity restricts the mode of production in which they carry out activities, and what kind of production mode there is, what kind of social relations there are. The social existence composed of people's production methods and social relations determines people's social consciousness. It can be seen from this that the development of society is not completely irregular.
The contradictory movements of productivity and production relations, economic base and superstructure formed on the basis of material practice in which productive labor is the main form are the products of human activities, but once they are formed, they in turn become constraints on human beings. the objective power of activities. Therefore, Marx believed that the development of society may seem chaotic on the surface, but in fact it has inherent objective trends just like nature.
When Marx explained man from the perspective of his relationship with the external world, he was based on practice.
People understand the world and transform the world through their own material practical activities, and people themselves are also transformed in this practical activity and obtain their own new qualities and qualities.
People change the world, and the world changes people.
Therefore, only on the basis of practice, and in the relationship between man and the external world based on practice, can man obtain scientific material explanation.
This is the fundamental feature of Marxist philosophy explaining human problems.