1. "High Mountains and Flowing Waters" Renshan Zhishui is determined to have no worries, and he wants to sue the palace and merchants for their freedom. Sail across the sea to chase the waves, and walk across the mountains to find the source. Yu Zhong's stories will be remembered for thousands of years, and his name will be praised by many in the annals of history. Boiling cranes and burning harps kills the scenery, and the sound of gold and jade rhymes are constantly repaired.
2. "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" The sparse shadows and dark fragrance must be described carefully, and the frost and snow are solitary. One curtain wakes up from a dream, and the beauty is charming, and the three flutes play with clear and high rhyme. _The dry silver branches compete with each other in length, and the green pines and green bamboos are enchanting. Mo Yunlong's nine evil scenery, He Xun's spring is like a fire!
"Sunset Flute and Drum" The flutes and drums are singing in unison. The sunset is red, and six dragons are riding fast on the wind. The flowers on the Spring River are like a dream on a moonlit night, and life seems to be in vain while traveling on the roadside. Where is the boat docked for wanderers, who misses his wife and hopes to return home! The waxing and waning of the ages remain the same, and a song harmoniously blends poetry and painting.