Exodus for the first time 17: 1-7: The general content is that after the Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea, they complained and quarreled with Moses in the wilderness. God told Moses to hit the rock at Horeb, the same staff that he used to do wonders and signs in Egypt to separate the Red Sea. When the stone is hit, it breaks. When the stone breaks, water gushes out, and people and animals are drunk. This is a miracle and an omen. Rock indicates Jesus Christ, while living water indicates the Holy Spirit.
Friends who often read the Bible will find that the Old Testament and the New Testament are inextricably linked-the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament and the Old Testament appears in the New Testament. Let's look at Matthew 26:26-28 in the New Testament: "While they were eating, Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying,' Take it and eat; This is my body. He took the cup again, thanked them and handed it to them, saying,' You all drink this; For this is the blood of my covenant, which was shed for many people for the forgiveness of sins. ""The body of the Lord Jesus is broken for us, and the blood of the Lord Jesus flows out for us to save us. Just like a rock is hit, water can flow out for us to drink, so that we will not be thirsty and lose our lives.
New Testament 1 Corinthians 10: 1-4 Paul also said: "Our ancestors ... all drank the same spiritual water; What they drink comes from the spiritual rock that follows them, and that rock is Christ. " It is clearly stated here that the stone that was struck in Horie Mountain was Jesus Christ, who predicted that he would be crucified, his body would be broken, and he would shed precious blood to save us. Because of the disobedience and unbelief of Israel, the rock was struck. Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of mankind. Peter said, "He hanged himself on a tree and bore our sins, so since we died in sin, we can live in righteousness." Because of his whipping, you have recovered. "(1 Peter 2:24), Isaiah has similar poems, so I won't list them here.
The story of the second river flowing out of the rock is recorded in Numbers 20: 1- 13: The general content is that the congregation of Israel came to the wilderness of Zin and camped behind Kadesh. Because there was no water to drink, they quarreled with Moses and Aaron again. Moses and Aaron left the congregation and came to the door of the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them. The Lord said to Moses, "Take a staff and gather all the people and your brother Aaron. Command the rock to give water before their eyes, and water will flow out of the rock and give it to the congregation and their livestock to drink. Moses took his staff from before the Lord, as the Lord had commanded him. Moses and Aaron called the congregation to the rock. Moses said, "Listen to me, you traitors: shall I make water flow out of this rock for you?" Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock twice with his staff, and a lot of water came out, and the congregation and the livestock drank it.
The next result was unexpected: the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you don't believe me and don't sanctify me in the eyes of the Israelites, you will not bring this congregation into the land I gave them." The Bible also records that the water in this place is called Meribah water, which means fighting.
Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and told them along the way according to God's will. He always said, what did God say? Only this time, he was disturbed by the mood of the congregation, so he announced impatiently, listen to me. Then Moses not only commanded the stone according to God's will, but struck the stone twice to let the water flow out. Later, there was a passage in Bible Psalm 106:32-33: "They made the Lord angry at the waters of Meribah, and even Moses suffered losses. Because they provoked his spirit, Moses spoke rashly.
Jesus Christ was offered to us only once, was crucified, broke his body, shed precious blood and became an eternal atonement (Hebrews 9: 12). So the rock can only be hit once. Moses disobeyed God's command, and hitting the rock again is equivalent to crucifying Christ again. So God forbade Moses and Aaron.
Against God's will and his anger, he could not inherit the kingdom of God. This mistake made Moses regretfully unable to enter the beautiful land of Canaan in his lifetime.