Schopenhauer was an esthetician with a wide range of interests. He studied music, painting, poetry, opera, etc. He regarded art as a possible way to relieve the pain of human existence. In "As In the third part of "The World of Will and Representation", he paid tribute to Plato, where he discussed art and the positive significance of art. He believed that art is a representation independent of the law of sufficient reason, so it can escape from will and have no place. The appeal of absence. And this kind of artistic representation is similar to Plato’s Theory of Ideas. Plato’s Theory of Ideas is to explain the problem: Among the various things we encounter, some things are so similar to others, if not Because their individuality is almost indistinguishable. So there is the problem of essence and particularity. In Plato's view, only ideas are eternal, while the empirical world is in constant change. Schopenhauer's consciousness Plato's Theory of Ideas is similar to Kant's theory of things in themselves. Kant believed that knowledge is only about understanding representations rather than things in themselves. Plato believed that the empirical world we know is not the real object of knowledge, and only ideas are meaningful. Schopenhauer Drawing on the ideas of both of them. Kant's thing-in-itself cannot be fully known but can be known directly. Will, as a thing-in-itself, is not subordinate to time, space and the law of causality, so it is not known individually. Plato's ideas can be The objectification of will is found in the objectified object. Therefore, all art is the direct grasp of the idea and a concrete display of the idea. This grasp and display also have an absolute universality and transcend time or space. The essence of beauty, so it has such an energy that can free human beings from endless desires. Therefore, beauty has extremely high value. Artists, as geniuses, can grasp the ultimate aspect among special aspects. , the value of this ability to separate phenomena and will through ideas is self-evident. Schopenhauer believed that artworks have a super-temporal essence, and music has both super-time and super-space essences, so music It is not just a copy of the idea, it is closer to the will itself. Therefore, it has a higher value. For Schopenhauer, music and the world of representation almost exist side by side. But this kind of beauty is only It can enable people to get temporary relief from will, because this pursuit of beauty can only make people fall into the trap of will itself, so it still has certain limitations.