Full lyrics of Buffalo Butterfly Love

(Male) You are a butterfly and I am a buffalo

Watch each other on the journey of life

You are the bone of the bone

You are the flesh Meat

Stay together in this life and this life

(Female) I am a butterfly and you are a buffalo

Holding hands with each other throughout the long life

I am you heart

You are my head

Bear the ups and downs together

(Together) I am moved by you in grace

In grace You Lennon and Me Lennon

Tolerance for each other in grace

The deepest affection in grace


( Male) You are a butterfly and I am a buffalo

We stay with each other on the journey of life

You are bone of bones

You are flesh of flesh

Stay with each other in this life

(Female) I am a butterfly and you are a buffalo

Holding hands with each other throughout life

I am your heart

You are my head

We bear the ups and downs together

(Together) You and I are moved by grace

You and I are touched by grace

In grace, we tolerate each other

In grace, we are more affectionate

In grace, you and I are touched

In grace, you and I are touched

< p>Tolerance for each other in grace

The deepest affection in grace

The deeper affection in grace is hidden