2, "Dragon Boat Festival" Tang Dragon Boat Festival is in midsummer, and it is longer when it is sunny. Salt plum has been used as a tripod and has been sung ever since. The ancients left traces of things, and the years were long. When Xuan knows that there are many flowers and flowers, he has a faint scent of water. Living together for trillions of years, the princes are immortal. Loyalty, if not replaced, will make Fang Kun come from behind.
3. Thank the person who sent the zongzi. When Tang came, the spring of March was still there, and the Sun Festival came again. Cherish the diligence and shyness of the master, and wrap the horn with fine gold.
4. "Giving clothes at noon" Tang Du Fu's palace costume is also famous, and the Dragon Boat Festival is a great honor. The fragrant silk is spun into fine kudzu vine, and the soft wind blows as white as new snow. From the sky, rain and dew are mixed, but in the heat, it is very cool to wear it. The length of the clothes in the palace is all combined with the mind, and I will bear the hospitality of the emperor all my life.