Zhuge Liang went to Soochow to lobby against Cao Cao. Zhou Yu was jealous of Zhuge Liang's cleverness and always wanted to find an excuse to kill him. At a banquet, Zhou Yu deliberately said to Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Kong Ming, you are right when I recite a poem. If you are right, you will get a reward. How about beheading if you can't? " Zhuge Liang smiled indifferently: "There is no joke in the army. Please give an order." Zhou Yu was overjoyed and said, "Water is a stream, and it is ridiculous without water. If you remove the water from the stream and add the bird, it is a chicken. A successful cat is better than a tiger, and a falling phoenix is worse than a chicken. " Zhuge Liang said casually: "There is wood, it is chess, and there is no wood, it is also chess. If the wood on the edge of the chess is removed, it is bullying. Longyou shallow water was played by shrimp, and the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by dogs.