Today's poem about a grain of wheat

Every seed is a flower.

A wheat does not fall to the ground and die, but it is still a wheat; If it dies, it will carry many particles. -The Bible

Every seed has a hard shell.

The body wraps the soul.

The stored energy will be released.

Every seed is a flower.

Every seed has a strong root.

Break through the bondage of darkness

Bear the extra weight

Every seed is a flower.

Every seed has a fragile heart.

Let the sunshine blend in.

Conquer the indifference of trees with love

Every seed is a flower.

Every seed has a mature dream.

Light the flame of autumn

Waiting for the harvest of nature

Every seed is a flower.

Every seed has sweet fruit.

If the seeds don't die

It's not just a wheat.

Every seed is a flower.

Limited level can only be written in this way, looking forward to the great gods' masterpieces.