When night falls, black eyes put a beautiful blanket on Lanyu across the river. She put the blanket on the ground under a big tree and then lay down. She looked up at the stars and counted them. She thought of the black eyes across the river, and she thought of her father. Then she fell asleep.
In her dream, blue feathers can see people. They have no mouths. They can't talk. They never lie. The clever owl and the strong buffalo now have black eyes.
The sunlight awakened the blue feathers. She swam to the river for a while, and the river was cold and clear. She can see the sunlight reflected in the river. It's a beautiful morning. Then she crossed the river. She sat with black eyes again. Then black eyes and blue feathers eat and tell stories to each other.
In the evening, aquamarine came back and lay on the blanket under the tree again.
Early in the morning of the third day, Black Eyes rode to the mountain. The mountain is far away. Black eyes will leave for two days and two nights. On the fifth day, he rode back. From far away, black eyes can see blue feathers. She sat on the ground by the fire by the river, waiting for dark eyes. Black eyes are happy. He likes blue feathers.
But when the black eyes approached, he could see aquamarine crying. Black eyes are worried. "What's the matter, Aquamarine?" He asked. "I am very ill." Lan Yu said. Only one person can help me. "
"I'll go to the pharmacist." Black eyes said, and he jumped on the horse. "No, don't go." Lan Yu shouted. "Don't go. There is only one person who can help me, and that is you, black eyes. " What can I do for you? Black eyes said. He looks worried. "I'm not a pharmacist. I know mountains and forests. I know how to fish and look after horses. But I know nothing about this disease. "
"Please sit next to me and listen," Lan Yu said, and the star cried again. "I am very ill. In order to be better, I must eat the heart of the best horse on the grassland. If I eat it, my illness will disappear. " "Is the fireball his?" Asked the black eyes. "I can never kill a fireball."
"Then I'm dead." Lan Yu said, and lay on the ground.
Black eyes picked up the blanket and covered it with blue feathers. "What can I do?" Black eyes can think. "I like this girl and I want to help her. But I can't give her the heart of a fireball. I can't kill the clever owl's favorite horse. This is the best horse on the grassland. "
Then he looked at the girl on the ground. She closed her eyes. Tears ran down her face. "Please, don't die." Black eyes said.
Black eyes. He walked towards the horse. The fireball saw him coming and ran to him. The beautiful black horse rubbed his nose against the shoulders of black eyes. Black eyes are sad.
It's night. Blue feathers are still lying on the ground. She could see black eyes coming towards her. He has something in his hand. "The core of the fireball is here," he said. "Let's eat. I don't want you to die. "
Black eyes can see the smile on Lan Yu's face. The girl took the horse's heart and ate a little. After a while, she was happy again. "Thank you," said Aquamarine. "Thank you for saving my life."
Then Blue Feather stood up. She returned to the other side of the river with a blanket. She lay under the tree and fell asleep. Black eyes are glad that blue feathers are fine again. But he's also worried. What will the chief wise owl say when he finds the fireball dead?
The next morning, black eyes woke up early. He thought of fireballs and clever owls. Then he remembered the blue feathers across the river. But where is she? Black eyes looked at the big tree. He can see the blanket on the ground, but the blue feather is not there.
Black eyes have been waiting for blue feathers all day. But the girl did not come back. Black eyes are very, very sad
"Tell me." The clever owl said to the black eyes. "What's the matter with the fireball? How's my favorite horse? What about the best horse on the grassland? "
Black eyes are thinking. How can he tell the wise owl leader the truth? How can he tell him the story of blue feather hair and fir ball heart? He was scared and unhappy. Black eyes can't see the clever owl. He looked down at the ground.
Suddenly, he looked up. He stared into the eyes of the clever owl leader for a long time. "Smart owl," he said. "The fireball is dead." Then he told him the story of aquamarine's illness and the story of the heart of a fireball. He told him everything. He told him the truth.
The clever owl turned to the strong buffalo. He looked at him for a long time. "My people always tell the truth." He said.
The strong buffalo rode away. The clever owl went to look for black eyes. "Thank you, black eyes." Thank you for telling the truth. "He said.
Black eyes looking at the clever owl. "You know, I never lie. But telling the truth is not always easy ... "