This poem was written by Gu Cheng when he was eight years old. Later generations also have many opinions on this hazy writing method. There are a thousand Hamlets compared to a hundred readers. Here are some opinions. One said it was despair!! Another thing is that only after losing an arm to dream, can we truly see the real world!
And there must be gain after every loss. After experiencing a loss, we can open our eyes to the real world. Open one eye and see the world more clearly. This is very consistent with what is said in the Bible. OR brothers, don’t be like this, please note that he was only 8 years old at the time
What despair and gain and loss, it is simply Nonsense. . . .
He just saw a poplar tree with a broken branch. . . .
Again, I think it is to express optimism about life.
If you have a broken arm, just open one eye and look at the other arm
Some people say that if you want to get something, you have to sacrifice first
Giving is the only way to get something. It will pay off
There are other opinions, but I think: Poetry, which exists independently as words, our understanding of it can only come from the words themselves, and we understand words as symbols as simple words. Just a world built with words