Wang Bo was very clever since he was a child, and he could write at the age of six. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong Linde, when Liu Xiangdao, the governor of Taichang, inspected the customs, he saw something strange and said, "This prodigy is also." Because of the recommendation of Biao, the countermeasures are the highest. He is only fourteen years old. Pei Wang heard his name and called on the government to compile it. At that time, cockfighting games prevailed among kings, and Bopei wrote "Chicken of the King of England" for Wang Pei, which angered Emperor Gaozong and was expelled from the palace.
After roaming Bashu, he joined the army in Zhou Guo. Arrogant and envied by colleagues. He was found guilty of killing a fugitive slave and was later pardoned and dismissed. In the third year of Shangyuan, he crossed the ocean to visit relatives in Jiaotou, and unfortunately drowned.
representative works
Wang Bo's poems tend to describe personal life, and a few of his works express political feelings and cover up his dissatisfaction with wealthy families. The style is fresh, but some poems are still popular. He explored seven-character poems and miscellaneous poems, especially the five laws. His famous poems, such as "The sunset is quiet, the voice is a relaxed monarch" and "However, when China holds our friendship, heaven is still our neighbor", are widely circulated.
Du Fu's evaluation of the "Four Masters" and his saying that "the riverside should not be abandoned" are well-deserved for Wang Bo's poetic achievements. His prose "Preface to Wang Tengting" is particularly famous, with gorgeous rhetoric, clever antithesis, harmonious tone, unrestrained momentum and mixed scenes. It is a good parallel prose, which has always been praised.