00 1. Homer Epic/Homer
002. Aesop's Fables/Aesop
003. King Oedipus/Sophocles
Britain, England
004. Shakespeare/The Complete Works of Shakespeare
005. On life/bacon
006. Paradise Lost/Milton
007.Robinson Crusoe/Defoe
008. Gulliver's Travels/Swift
009. Selected Poems of Byron
0 10. Selected Poems of Shelley
0 1 1. Jane Eyre/Charlotte Brontexq
0 12. Wuthering heights/emily bronte
0 13. david copperfield/Dickens
0 14. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/Conan Doyle
0 15. The portrait of Dorian Gray/Oscar Wilde
0 16. Tess/Hardy of the D 'Urbervilles
0 17. Mrs Warren/Bernard Shaw's occupation
0 18. The gadfly/Voynich
0 19. Moon and sixpence/Mao Mu
020. The Waste Land/T.S. Eliot
02 1. Ulysses/Joyce
United States of America
022. The Scarlet Letter/Hawthorne
023. Uncle Tom's cabin/Mrs. Stowe
024. Selected blades of grass/Whitman
025. tom sawyer/Mark Twain
026. Mark Twain's Short Stories
027. O. Henry's short stories
Martin Eden/Jack London
029. American tragedy/Dreiser
030. The Great Gatsby/Fitzgerald
03 1. The Sound and the Fury/Faulkner
032. Farewell to Arms/Hemingway
033. The Old Man and the Sea/Hemingway
034. Gone with the Wind/Mitchell
035. Grapes of Wrath/Steinbeck
036. The Catcher in the Rye/Salinger
037. Catch-22/Heller
038. Godfather/Pu Zuo
039. The Legend of the Giant/rabelais
040. Montaigne Prose/Montaigne
04 1. hypocrite/Moliere
042. Confessions/Rousseau
043. Merimee's short stories/Merimee.
044. Red and Black/Stendhal
045. Eugenie Grandet/Balzac
046. The Count of Monte Cristo/Dumas
047. La Traviata/Dumas
048. Madame Bovary/Flaubert
049. Flower of Evil/Baudelaire
050. Les Miserables/Hugo
05 1. Mo Bosang's short stories/Mo Bosang
052. "Germination"/Zola
053. john cleese Dover/romain rolland
054. Memories of the past/Proust
055. Outsider/Camus
056. Lover/Duras
Ohio State University
057. Pushkin/Pushkin Lyrics Selection
058. Eugene onegin/Pushkin
059. Imperial envoy/Nikolai Nikolai Gogol
060. Dead Soul/Nicola Nikolai Gogol
06 1. Father and son/Turgenev
War and peace/Tolstoy
063. Anna karenin/Tolstoy
064. Kara Matsov/Dostoevsky brothers
065. Selected novels of Chekhov
Cherry orchard/Chekhov
067. Childhood/Gorky
068. Quiet Don River/sholokhov
069. One's Experience/sholokhov
070. "How steel was tempered"/ostrovsky
07 1. Dr. Zhiwaji/Pasternak
072. Young Werther/Goethe's troubles
073. Faust/Goethe
074. Conspiracy and Love/Schiller
075. Heine/Heine Lyrics Selection
076. Zarathustra Tutela/Nietzsche said.
077. Budenblock Family/thomas mann
078. Everything is quiet on the western front/remarque.
079. Zweig's short stories
080. Metamorphosis/Kafka
08 1. Castle/Kafka
082. Don Quixote/Cervantes
083. Divine Comedy/Dante
085. Spartacus/Giovannoli
086. Li Ke, a good soldier, was trapped/Hasek.
087. The unbearable lightness of life/Milan Kundera
088. Selected Fairy Tales by Andersen
089. Dollhouse/Ibsen
090. Thorn Birds/mccullough
Latin America
09 1. Garden with intersecting paths/Borges
092. Poems/Nie Luda
093. One Hundred Years of Solitude/Marquez
094. The Christian Bible
095. Genji Tale/Purple Stone Department
096. Arabian Nights
097. Gitanjali/Tagore
098. The Prophet/Ji Bolun
099. Snow Country/Kawabata Yasunari
Two. World-famous novellas and short stories
Britain, England
00 1. Patents of the poor/Dickens
002. Apple Tree/John Galsworthy
003. Loneliness of long-distance runners/alan sillitoe
004. Fanina Fagnini/Stendhal
005. Atheist Mass/Balzac
006. Claude Ge/Hugo
007. Columba/Merimi
009. A simple heart/Flaubert
0 10. foyer/zola
0 1 1. Last lesson/buddy
0 12. Perimeter of Berlin/Dude
013.g. ranbir/France
0 14. Wall/Sartre
0 15. Outsider/Camus
0 16. Chile earthquake/Chrysler
0 17. Yinmeng Lake/Storm
0 18. The troubles of young Werther/Goethe
0 19. Girls in Trebbi/Heze
020. The disgraced Katerina blom/Burr.