1, Assyria captured Babylon, Assyria captured Tyre, and Assyria demolished Tyre Palace.
2. New Babylon captured Assyria, New Babylon captured Tyre, and New Babylon demolished Tyre Palace.
3. Assyrians occupied Kitty and demolished Kitty's palace.
4. Assyria captured Babylon, and Assyria demolished the palace of Babylon.
5. The new Babylon captured Assyria, and the new Babylon demolished Assyria's palace.
However, history is like this:
Assyria destroyed the ancient Babylonian empire, and the new Babylon destroyed the Assyrian empire.
Assyria besieged Tyre for five years, and New Babylon besieged Tyre for thirteen years. Therefore, neither Assyria nor Babylon demolished the palaces of Tyre. If it is the fourth case mentioned above, it has nothing to do with the push roller and should not be listed in the chapter on push roller. In the third case mentioned above, there should be no palaces like Kitty in non-capital areas.
A rich life reader says, "Land of the Chaldeans: In 572 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Tyre, which was about 100 years after Isaiah made a prophecy." The fact is that there was an invasion, but the palace was not demolished.
One interpretation of this verse is: "Jews will be taken captive to the Chaldeans." -I'm speechless.