"A long friend is worth a thousand cups." Scholars do not meet for a long time, or hit it off immediately, all through drinking to contact feelings. Wine is the triumph of victory, the treasure after victory, and the driving force for the military mobilization headquarters to win on the battlefield. William Wang's Liangzhou Ci: "Glowing glass of wine" is regarded as a very important communication medium in ancient and modern times, and people communicate with wine. For most literati, they are people who love wine. Emotional communication is an important source of inspiration and an important symbol of emotion.
There are four happy events in life. At this time, wine has become a celebration drink, and wine is an important item necessary for holding a happy event. China: In ancient times, wine was the communication and adjustment to express emotion and the catalyst to promote emotional creation. Li Bai drank once a day all his life, and was called "Brewmaster" and "Drunken Fairy". Even in his poems, you can feel the strong taste of wine, and even the soul after death is drunk.
Wine is a medium for people to express their feelings, and it is used to express joy. Wine is a contact to express ancient feelings and a catalyst to promote poetry creation. This is also a good medicine to relieve sadness. "Du Kang is the only way to relieve grief." Wine solves the problem of sadness. Wine is a good medicine to relieve sadness. Wine is closely related to poetry. China's wine industry developed to the Tang and Song Dynasties and reached an unprecedented scale.
Wine is accompanied by the poet, and it is inseparable from the joy and sadness that the poet wants to express. A thousand cups is short of a bosom friend. How to solve your worries? Only Du Kang. These poems are closely related to wine.