1820 in may, he was exiled to the south because he angered the czar government with poems praising freedom. 1August, 824, he was escorted to the village of Mi Khailov Sik, the supervised territory of his parents. Both the local customs of Cossacks in southern Russia and the beautiful natural scenery in the countryside have further stimulated the poet's romantic enthusiasm and enriched his poetic themes and images. He wrote passionate and romantic narrative poems, such as Prisoner of the Caucasus, Brother Robber, Sarah Fountain, Bahce and Zigong People, historical tragedy Boris Godunov and Sunlight Superstar, and more than 230 beautiful lyric poems. To Ovid, prisoners, to the sea, to Karen, if life deceives you, the song of Dionysus, 10, 19, winter nights, storms and prophets, etc. 1In September, 826, the poet was recalled to Moscow from his seclusion. Buried himself in writing under the supervision of czar spies. Due to the failure of the party uprising in 18251February, five people were hanged, and 120 people were exiled to Siberia to do hard labor. The poet's mind was greatly shocked. With high respect and sad sympathy, he was finally called "The Decemberists singer". During this period, he wrote excellent poems such as Send to Siberia, Aryon and You. In the later period of creation, the poet turned from romanticism to realism, and wrote a long narrative poem Bronze Knight, a fairy tale poem The Fisherman and the Golden Fish, a novella The Queen of Spades, and a novel The Captain's Daughter. , as well as lyric short poems such as Madonna, Elegy, For the Coast of the Distant Motherland, Beauty, Autumn, etc.