On the main artistic features of symbolism.

Answer: A. The recovery of subjectivity and the transcendence of symbolism oppose naturalism and realism and advocate returning to the inner world; Abandon the imitation of the real world and emphasize imagination. At the same time, it opposes the direct catharsis of subjective feelings and emphasizes objectifying and symbolizing the subjective world through "objective counterpart".

B. Emphasize suggestion and association

Symbolism challenges the reference language and transforms the poetic language through metaphor, symbol and suggestion, thus greatly developing and strengthening the polysemy and stereoscopicity of poetic language, resulting in a hazy and mysterious effect.

C. Emphasis on synaesthesia and synesthesia

Symbolism advocates breaking the boundaries of all senses, communicating different senses, and conjuring up an unprecedented realm. In western symbolic poetry, the young French poet Rambo developed synaesthesia for the first time in his poem Vowels, adding color to five French vowels. Baudelaire emphasized three aspects of "fit" or "harmony" in his poem "Fit": the inductive fit between human spiritual world and material world, the fit between human senses, and the simultaneous fit between mind and senses. Among them, the second correspondence is synaesthesia or synaesthesia, that is, the "mutual response" of "fragrance, color and sound"