Southern and Northern Dynasties: Liu Yiqing
Liang's son is nine years old and very clever. Junping Kong thought of his father, but when his father was away, he shouted. In order to set fruit, the fruit has bayberry. Confucius pointed out to his son and said, "This is the fruit of your family." The son replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is a master of poultry."
There is a family named Yang in Liang State. He has a nine-year-old son who is very clever. Junping Kong came to see Yang's father, but his father was away, so he called Yang's son out. Yang's son brought fruit to me. There are bayberry in the fruit. Pointing to Yangmei, he said to Yang's son, "This is your fruit." Yang's son immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird."
2. Shaping at Binyuan, Nanxiangzi
Five Dynasties: Ouyang Jiong
The shore is far from the sand, and the sun leans back. Peacocks feel sorry for their golden tails, and they won't be surprised if they can't recognize travelers when they are near the water.
In the distance along the river bank, the beach is flat, the sunset shines on the way home, and the sunset glow is brilliant on the way home. A peacock enjoys itself by the water's edge, and its emerald tail is colorful. Footsteps on the road seem to disturb it, but it still recognizes pedestrians.
3. Master Lujiang's Wife
Tang Dynasty: Li Bai
Where does the peacock fly east? Zhong Qing, wife of Lujiang beadle.
As a tailor, you can see for yourself, and Wu stays alone in the night sky.
Peacock flies southeast, where to rest?
You are like the wife of Jiao Zhongqing, a petty official in ancient Lujiang.
You are very virtuous, mending clothes for guests passing by your house.
It's a pity that it's like a crow chirping alone in a tree on the wall.