1. Confucius said: "Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than history. Gentleness is a gentleman. " -Ye Yong
Interpretation of Confucius said: "if a person's simplicity exceeds his literary talent, it is a bit rough;" If literary talent exceeds his simplicity, it will be a bit flashy. Only when literary talent and simplicity are well balanced can we be called a refined gentleman. "
2. Confucius said: "The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is not comprehensive." -"For Politics"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "Gentlemen unite people without collusion, while villains only collude with people without uniting people."
3. Confucius said: "People without faith don't know what they can do. What if the cart has no track and the car has no track? " -"Politics"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "a person who does not pay attention to credibility does not know how he can stand in the world." It's like a big car or a small car without key parts can't cover animals. How can he walk by car? "
4. Confucius said: "People are born straight, but those who are idle are lucky to be spared." -Ye Yong
Interpretation of Confucius said: "people can live with a clear conscience in the world because they are positive;" A worthless man can live in the world because he narrowly escaped disaster. "
5. Confucius said, "Take Tao as the aim, kindness as the support, benevolence as the support, and art as the tour." -"Shu Er"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "Aim at Tao, rely on benevolence, and play in etiquette, music, shooting, driving, writing and arithmetic to cultivate self-cultivation."
6. Confucius said, "If you are not alone, you must have neighbors." -Liren
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A moral man is not alone, and he must have like-minded people as his partners."
7. Confucius said: "The knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, and the brave is not afraid." Zihan
Interpretation of Confucius said: "The wise are not confused when they are in trouble, the benevolent are not sad, and the brave are fearless."
8. Confucius said: "The knower enjoys water, and the benevolent enjoys Leshan. Those who know move, and those who are kind are quiet. Those who know are happy. " -"forever night"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "Smart people like water, and benevolent people like mountains. Smart people are active, and benevolent people are quiet. Smart people live happily, and people with kindness tend to live longer. "
9. Confucius said, "See the sage Si Qi, but look inward without seeing him." -"Li Ren"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "When you see a saint, you want to see his person;" When you meet an immoral person, you should reflect on whether there is anything like him in your heart. "
10. Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous, but a villain is profitable." -Liren
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A gentleman knows righteousness, but a villain knows profit."
1 1. Confucius said: "A gentleman is proud and does not argue, but a group is not a party." Wei Linggong.
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A gentleman is solemn and does not argue with others, but gregarious and does not form gangs."
12. Confucius said, "Miao Yan is confused with Germany. A little tolerance confuses a great plan. " -"Wei Linggong"
Confucius said: "Sweet words will corrupt morality. Small things can't be tolerated, and big things will be disturbed. "
13. Confucius said: "A gentleman has three precepts: when he is young, his blood gas is uncertain, so he should be cautious; It is also strong and bloody, and it is fighting; Even when you are old, your blood is failing, and you should give it up. " -Ji Shi.
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A gentleman should be alert to three things: the blood gas in adolescence has not yet been cultivated, and he should be alert not to be infatuated with women; In the prime of life, you are full of blood, and you are vigilant and competitive; When you are old, your blood gas has declined. Be careful not to be insatiable. "
14. Confucius said, "It can also be a blessing for a husband to be knowledgeable in writing and meet with a gift." -"Yan Garden"
Interpretation of Confucius said: "Learn cultural classics extensively, and then use etiquette and self-discipline, so as not to be rebellious."
15. Confucius said, "A gentleman seeks for himself, while a villain seeks for others." Wei Linggong.
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A gentleman is strict with himself, while a villain is strict with others."
Cautious words and sensitive behavior
16. Confucius said, "A gentleman talks but doesn't do it." -Liren
Interpretation of Confucius said: "A gentleman is cautious in words and diligent in deeds."
17. Confucius said, "The ancients were speechless and ashamed to bow." -Liren.
Interpretation of Confucius said: "In ancient times, people refused to speak easily, because they thought it was shameful to just talk without doing it."
18. Confucius said, "A gentleman is ashamed of the implication." -xian Wen.
Confucius said, "A gentleman thinks it is a shame to talk too much and do too little."
19. Confucius said: "There are words in state affairs, and words are dangerous; If the country has no way, the danger will be told to the grandchildren. " -xian Wen.
Interpretation of Confucius said: "If a country's politics is clear, its words will be faithful and its actions will be fruitful;" The country's politics is dark, and it is difficult to be honest and speak cautiously and easygoing. "
20. Confucius said, "Can you speak French? Change it to Cheng Gui. Can you not say anything about it? The deduction fee is expensive. If I say no, I won't change, and I will be as good as me. " Zi Han.
Interpretation of Confucius said: "Can you not accept something that conforms to the principle?" It is valuable to correct mistakes after receiving them. Can you be unhappy when you hear yourself obedient? It is valuable to analyze and identify after being happy, but it is valuable not to analyze blind happiness; Or accept it on the surface and not change it in practice. I really can't help such people. "
Suffering is like a dark cloud. From a distance, it is dark, but when you are there, it is only gray.
-Li Xite's Chang Gung Hang
Luck is not without fear and trouble; Bad luck is not without comfort and hope.
-Bacon's bad luck
Misfortune may be a bridge to happiness.
-Japanese proverb
Disaster is a person's real touchstone.
-Baumont and Fletcher "Victory of Honor"
Suffering has tempered some people and destroyed others.
-Fuller's words of wisdom
Fire tries gold, adversity tries the strong.
-seneca is God's will.
Adversity gives people valuable opportunities for tempering. Only those who can stand the test of environment are truly strong. Most great men from ancient times to the present have struggled out of adversity with indomitable spirit.
-Kōnosuke Matsushita
What can kill me will make me stronger.
-Nietzsche's Idol Dusk
People who have never experienced adversity do not know their own strength.
-Jonson "Really Reliable"
A noble heart should bear disasters instead of avoiding them, because bearing disasters shows noble will and avoiding disasters shows inner cowardice.
-joni aho Tino.
When a person calmly suffers one major misfortune after another, the beauty of his soul shines out. This is not because he has no feelings about it, but because he is a noble and brave man.
-Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Luck can find evil best; And bad luck finds virtue best.
-Bacon's bad luck
Good luck is admirable, but overcoming bad luck is admirable. This is a famous saying of seneca.
-Bacon's bad luck
Be careful when you are lucky, and be patient when you are unlucky.
-J. Ray's English Proverbs
In bad luck, there is hope, and in good luck, there is worry, so that we can bear misfortune calmly.
-Horace "Song"
Don't be complacent because of good luck, and don't be depressed because of bad luck. A truly strong person is good at finding shadows from prosperity, finding light from adversity, and always calibrating his goal of progress.
It is better to learn wisdom from your own bad luck than from others' bad luck.
-Aesop's fables
It is unlucky to make things difficult for the country. -Yang Xiong's After the Yuan Dynasty
Uh, I'm sleepy. -Cang Xie film.
Hard work is hard work. -Notes on the poem Gu Feng.
Can help the poor. -Zhu
First, write Confucius' couplets.
1. Four-season gas production is in harmony with heaven, earth, sun, moon and ghosts and gods.
Teach Tang to follow is always a teacher.
2. Set six arts in Xingtan to unify Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties.
The Story of Tibetan Scripture and the Legend of Minlianluo in Ruby Switch
Second, write Qu Yuan's couplets.
1, Wan Qingshen went to China to mourn.
A river has always belonged to Sri Lanka.
2. Where are the spirits of the three vanilla families?
At that time, Habib Xiang Liu should have known Nine Songs.
Third, write Zhuge Liang's couplets.
1, two watches, one pair, do your best, take care of the cottage.
Full six, salty weeds, rich for thousands of years.
2, the heart is in the imperial court, regardless of the former master.
Why do you want to distinguish Xiangyang Nanyang from Mingshi?
Fourth, write Li Bai's couplets.
1, poor spring bones in poor tuling once had earth-shattering writings.
Crazy enough that everyone wants to kill, so drunk that the son of heaven can't shout.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) writes Du Fu's couplets.
1, there are thousands of words in the history of poetry.
Cao liwu quanshui group ou ye Lao Xin
2. Sages in the world's scarred poems
The bottom waves of folk sufferings
Sixth, write Yue Fei's couplets.
1, Castle Peak has the honor to bury Loyal Bone.
White iron casts innocent courtiers.
2. Why did Ma Jinge only win the local security situation?
Today, mountains and rivers are still shining.
1, "If I am not defeated by you in Zama, then I will rank myself above Alexander." -Hannibal lecter, Carthaginian star who invaded Rome in the second Punic war.
2. "Athenians, there is not much time left for everyone to encourage, but for the brave, a few words are like a long speech." -General Athens in the Peloponnesian War of Hippocrates.
3. "Hold it or lie on it." -It is said that a Spartan mother gave her son her shield and said this.
4. "contempt can sting the enemy's heart more than killing." -Roman military theorist and writer Victius.
5. "One day, people with spears in our sacred Troy, Pleiades and Pleiades will disappear." -Homer's poem "The Conqueror of Carthage" The famous Roman sibillat recited this sentence on the ruins of Carthage, worrying about his motherland.
6. "The dice have been rolled." -Caesar, when crossing the Rubicon.
7. "Cowards' mothers don't cry"-Latin proverb (Latin is the area near Rome)
8. "The most reluctant peace is more popular than the most just war." -Cicero
9. "There are no other tribes outside us, only waves, cliffs and cruel Romans. Even loyalty and docility are inevitably subject to their arrogance. These robbers all over the world, after robbing all continents, are now robbing at sea. When the enemy has money, he is greedy for property; If the enemy is poor, they should also conquer to get honor. Whether in the East or the West, they are insatiable. It's just that they are so greedy for poverty and wealth in the world. They rob, kill and steal, but they call it "rule". Wherever I go, I turn to scorched earth, but I call it peace. " -Tacitus's British chief Katanikus gave a speech before the decisive battle of Grampian Mountain.
The cultivation of dutiful sons is also fun, not against one's will. -The Book of Rites
There are three kinds of filial piety: respecting relatives, enduring humiliation and nurturing.
You must know your parents' age. One is happy and the other is afraid. -The Analects of Confucius
When Meng asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "Parents only worry about illness." -The Analects of Confucius governs politics.
Parents love what they love, and parents respect it. -Confucius
All ages are orderly. -Mencius
I am old, and people are old; Young people are young, and so are young people. The world can be transported in the palm of your hand. -Mencius
Being a dutiful son is nothing more than respecting your loved ones. -Mencius
Only filial piety can relieve worries. -Mencius
Father and son are related, monarch and minister are righteous, husband and wife are different, young and old have memories, and friends have letters. -Mencius
What is more important? Things are big; Keep, which is bigger? I've heard of people who are too old to be married without losing their virginity; I've never heard of people who can serve their loved ones without their bodies. What can't I do? Birds of a feather flock together, and things are based on it; Who doesn't keep it? Keeping body is also the foundation of keeping body. -Mencius
The truth of benevolence, relatives also; The truth of righteousness is to obey your brothers. -Mencius
Unreasonable, inhuman; You can't be a son if you don't like your relatives. -Mencius
A gentleman has three pleasures, but a king is not on earth. Parents exist, brothers have no chance, and they are happy; Yang is worthy of the sky, regardless of people, but also happy; The education of talents in the world is also a three-fun. A gentleman has three pleasures, and the king of the world does not exist. -Mencius
The so-called unfilial people in the secular world are lazy, regardless of their parents' support and unfilial; Boyi likes drinking, regardless of his parents' support, and is unfilial; Good wealth, private wife regardless of parental support, three unfilial; From the desire for eyes and ears, I thought that my parents were killed and four were unfilial; Brave and cruel, endangering parents, unfilial. -Mencius
No father, no king, an animal. -Mencius
Good and evil are inseparable, if life is not easy, if beauty and evil are immovable. -Lu Chunqiu
Filial sons don't flatter their relatives, loyal ministers don't flatter their princes, and courtiers prosper. -Zhuangzi
Those who take care of their loved ones, at all costs, are safe, and the most filial. -Zhuangzi.
People not only have the right to love their country, but also love their country is an obligation and honor. -Xu Teli
Always thinking about the urgency of the country and dying for it. -Sima Qian
How to become famous when the national humiliation is not over? -Li Bai
It is shameful to serve the country and die, but it is never too green to face others. -Lu you
I didn't know everything was empty until I died, but I was sad not to see Kyushu. Julian Waghann decided to go north to the Central Plains to celebrate. I didn't forget to tell him about the family sacrifice. -Lu you
If you hide things from others, you will get hurt, but if you are good for your country, you will avoid them. Kun Lv
Everyone knows what he has learned, so that the country will be rich and strong, free from foreign aggression and stand on its own feet on the earth. -Zhan Tianyou
Courage is not without tears, not in front of the enemy. A man is seven feet tall and willing to donate money to his motherland. Chen Hui
Only the people's souls are valuable, and only by carrying them forward can China make real progress. -Lu Xun
I hate that I can't die against Japan, and I am ashamed of it today. The country is still broken, why should I cherish it? -Ji Hongchang
When I die, my life will be glorious. Although I am dead, my spirit will live on forever. I will succeed and achieve great harmony. Zhao Bosheng
1. Take home as your home, hometown as your hometown, country as your country, and the world as your world. -imprison herdsmen
2. Don't forget your country in times of crisis and serve your country faithfully. -Zuo Zhao Zhuan Gong Year
Take a long breath to hide your tears and mourn the hardships of people's lives. -Qu Yuan's "Li Sao"
4. Pursue your own country, not wealth. -Book of Rites, Confucianism.
5. Died in the national disaster and suddenly died. -Cao Zhi's White Horse.
6. The martyr is patriotic at home. -Ge Hong's "Bao Puzi's External Articles are Widely Approved" Martyr: a person with ambition and achievements.
7. Worry about the world first, and enjoy it later. -Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower"
I am in a humble position and dare not forget my concern for my country. -Lu You's Book of Diseases.
9. Julian Waghann established Central Plains Day in the north, and this family sacrifice has never been forgotten. -Lu You's "Shizi"
10. Who has never died in life since ancient times? Shine history with the heart of Dan. -Wen Tianxiang's "Crossing the Ocean"
1 1. Serve the country faithfully. -Biography of Yue Fei and History of Song Dynasty
12. Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. -on China's survival depends on today's wheat.
Although science has no national boundaries, scholars have their own country-Pasteur.
A vain man looks at his own name, while a glorious man looks at the cause of his motherland.
Patriotism is the deepest feeling for one's motherland that has been fixed for thousands of years-Lenin.
People who are good for the country love it, while those who are bad for the country hate it. -Yan Ying
Always thinking about the urgency of the country and dying for it. -Sima Qian
Patriotism is like thirst. -Bangu
When you die in a national disaster, you will feel as if you are dead. -Cao Zhi
Anyway, I dare not ask a question. -Song Wenzhi
Mist in the Valley of Clouds and the Valley of Menggu; Yueyang city has been surrounded. -Meng Haoran
Sighing four or five times in the middle of the night is often worrying about big countries. -Li Bai
How to become famous when the national humiliation is not over? -Li Bai
Serve the country faithfully and swear to the death. -Li
Worry about the world first; The world after happiness. —— Fan Zhongyan
If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light makeup and heavy makeup. -Su Shi
What can I do if I promise my country? -Yue Fei
Night vision is too white to receive light, and there is no battlefield for serving the country! -Lu you
I dare not forget to worry about my country. -Lu you
It is shameful to serve the country and die, but it is never too green to face others. -Lu you
I didn't know everything was empty until I died, but I was sad not to see Kyushu. Julian Waghann decided to go north to the Central Plains to celebrate. I didn't forget to tell him about the family sacrifice. -Lu you
Since ancient times, no one has died in life, so let's take the heart of Dan to shine on history. -Wen Tianxiang
Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. -gu
The north and the south rushed forward to report their master's feelings, and the river lace grass laughed for a lifetime. It travels through Goma 360 days a year. -Qi Jiguang
If you hide things from others, you will get hurt, but if you are good for your country, you will avoid them. Kun Lv
Everyone knows what he has learned, so that the country will be rich and strong, free from foreign aggression and stand on its own feet on the earth. -Zhan Tianyou
What is the biggest thing in life? Is to know patriotism. -Sun Yat-sen
I want to commend Xuanyuan with blood. -Lu Xun
Since ancient times, there have been hard-working people in China, people who have worked hard, people who have pleaded for the people, and people who have sacrificed their lives for the law. -They are the backbone of China. -Lu Xun
Only the people's souls are valuable, and only by carrying them forward can the people of China make real progress. -Lu Xun
We China people have the spirit of fighting the enemy to the end, the determination to recover the old things by our own efforts, and the ability to stand on our own feet among the nations of the world. Mao Zedong
It is better to serve our country than to live in humiliation. -He Xiangning
The splendid rivers and mountains are cleaned up, and the people are masters of the country. -Zhu De
People not only have the right to love their country, but also love their country is an obligation and honor. -Xu Teli
The main way to be patriotic is to love what you are doing. -Xie Juezai
China is an ancient and brave nation. The Chinese nation has two advantages: courage and hard work. How lovely such a nation is. We love our nation (of course, other nations also have their loveliness, which we will never ignore). This is the source of our confidence. Zhou Enlai
Study for the rise of China. -Zhou Enlai
When the river sings, it turns east, and many disciplines help the poor. Ten years of broken walls, it is difficult to reward the sea and be a hero. Zhou Enlai
When the motherland is in trouble, you should be the pioneer. -Chen Yi
As long as one loves his motherland and has a patriotic heart, everything can be solved. No matter what hardships or grievances, he can bear them. -Bing Xin
I love China, because this is my motherland, and Juventus is a country with a lovely culture. -Wen Yiduo.
Our motherland is not a paradise on earth, but everyone in China has the responsibility to build it into a paradise on earth. -Ba Jin
I love my motherland and people. I can't live without it and them, let alone write. -Ba Jin
I have my personality and conscience, which money can't buy. My music should be dedicated to the motherland, to the working people and to the national crisis. -Xian Xinghai
After I die, I will send my ashes to my hometown ... bury them and plant an apple tree on them, so that I can finally repay my hometown land and fellow villagers. -Peng
The country belongs to everyone and patriotism is everyone's duty. -Tao Xingzhi
Courage is not without tears, not in front of the enemy. A man is seven feet tall and willing to donate money to his motherland. Chen Hui
I hate that I can't die against Japan, and I am ashamed of it today. The country is still broken, why should I cherish it? -Ji Hongchang
When I die, my life will be glorious. Although I am dead, my spirit will live on forever. I will succeed and achieve great harmony. Zhao Bosheng
Better be a tramp than a conquered people. -Feng Zikai
To serve the people, one doesn't have to stand at the conference and make a speech or do something earth-shattering. Telling others what you know bit by bit anytime and anywhere is virtually sowing seeds and cultivating plants for the country. -Fu Lei
I am a descendant of the Chinese people, and it is natural to dedicate all the knowledge I have learned to my dear motherland. -Li Siguang.
A true patriot doesn't have to wait for any special opportunity. He can show his love for his motherland in his post. -sue
Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to go back to your hometown; Although heaven is good, it is not a place to stay for long. Come back when you get back. -Hua
Take the trouble to go out to save the country and strengthen all my heart; Don't say that the East is backward, and there are yellow people in the rise of Asia. -Wu
It is the most glorious thing to be able to devote yourself to the cause of your motherland and strive for the realization of your ideals. -Wu
As a member of the Chinese nation, I am honored to be a citizen of the world. I am the son of China people. I deeply love my motherland and people. Deng Xiaoping.
Scholars in China have always attached importance to honesty. If a painter doesn't love the nation and the motherland, he will lose his national integrity. The value of painting lies in individuality. Personality-patriotism first. Li Kuchan
True patriots love mankind, and patriotism is by no means exclusive. Ma Tieding
It is inconceivable that a nation without a strong spiritual pillar can stand on its own feet in the world. Jiang Zemin
The theory created by the people of China should serve the people of China first. -Wu Zhonghua
To love the motherland, we must first understand the motherland; If you don't understand, you can't say love. -Ren Yuji
The greatest honor is the honor of defending the motherland. -Aristotle
People are born not only for themselves, but also for their country. -Plato
The death of a man who died for his country is glorious. Homer
I value the interests of my motherland more than my own life and my cherished children. -Shakespeare
I love the interests of my country, which is more respectful, sacred and serious than my own life. -Shakespeare
We can't all serve our motherland in the same way. Everyone should teach students in accordance with their aptitude. -Goethe
When I say "harmony", I mean loving the motherland, that is, loving equality. This is not a moral virtue, nor a Christian virtue, but a political virtue. -Montesquieu
Motherland, I will always be loyal to you, dedicated to you, and fight forever with my piano. -Chopin
Love the motherland above all else. -Chopin
What is the highest moral standard of mankind? That is patriotism. -Napoleon
For the benefit of the country, in order to make my life a useful person, even if I can only make a modest contribution, my blood will boil. Nicola Nikolai Gogol
Without the motherland, there is no happiness. Everyone must be rooted in the soil of the motherland. -Turgenev
Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings for a country that has been consolidated for thousands of years. -Lenin
We must go through this floor of the motherland, and then go to the next floor to reach the height of mankind. -romain rolland
Love your motherland. In other words, you should long for your motherland to become the embodiment of human ideals and do your best to promote this. -Gary Ning
No matter what I do, I always think that as long as my energy allows, I will serve my country first. -Pavlov
Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries. -Pavlov
Unpatriotic people can't love anything. byron
It is natural to love the motherland. Heine
We should dedicate our beautiful passion to our motherland. -Pushkin
People can't live without bread, and people can't live without their motherland. Hugo
I am yours, my motherland! This is all yours, my heart and soul; If I don't love you, my motherland, who else can I love? -petofi
Even if the world gives me treasures and honors, I don't want to leave my motherland. Because even though my country is in shame, I still like, love and bless my country! -petofi
Dying for the motherland is the most beautiful fate! -Dumas
Gold is precious, but energetic and fearless patriots are more precious than gold. Abraham lincoln
Generally in part; Whoever does not belong to his own country does not belong to mankind. -belinsky
How great is the power of patriotism! In front of it, what is people's love for life and fear of suffering? What is man himself before it? Chernyshevski
If I have some ability, I have an obligation to dedicate it to my motherland. Linnai
Look at the birds outside the window.
A bird outside the window, it can't fly, it can't hover, it can't follow the airflow, like those big birds, it makes a big overlooking or sailing. It is a realist, from one tree to another, from one roof to another, living in the street, busy without shame, mediocre without inferiority.
Small enough to fall on a branch, this is the black spot of myopia. I can't even read a comma or a period. It flies low, jumps, pecks, combs its feathers, makes eternal children's voices, is patient or cheerful in the change of seasons, pursues mating, and incubates eggs responsibly.
It is a living punctuation dotted in the process of human life: when winter falls on dead branches, it is a comma; When it falls on the wall, it is a full stop; When several people fall on the wire together, it is an ellipsis; When courting, a couple chase and fly, and when they are tired, they fall on the upper and lower branches, which is a semicolon.
It is closest to human life, but always keeps a distance.
They are called sparrows. I wonder if they also think each other is a sparrow?
The cloak of truth
Truth and falsehood came to the river to swim together. They all stripped off their clothes and jumped into the water. When truth swims happily, fallacy sneaks back to the shore and steals truth's clothes.
Since then, fallacies have often been cloaked in truth, while truth is naked.
Fables are good friends of truth. At first, he often visited other friends' homes naked, but when people saw them from a distance, they bolted the door tightly.
The fable said sadly, "How can you treat my friend like this? Although he is naked, he is more sincere, pure and credible than any fallacy of wearing beautiful clothes! " His friend told him: "The naked age of human beings has long passed. Nudity is a symbol of backwardness after all. If you want your friend to be a popular person, you'd better dress him in a suit of the times! "
Fable follows the advice of friends and often designs some novel, unique, generous and beautiful clothes for truth. Wherever they go, they are welcomed by people.
Spiritual nutrition cannot be ignored.
The Neijing of traditional Chinese medicine says: "Nothing is indifferent, and the true qi will follow. Mental, illness is always safe. It is leisure and less rest, peace of mind is not afraid, tireless. " He also said: "Anger hurts the liver, likes sadness, fears kidney, worries about spleen and worries about lungs."
This shows that Chinese medicine has long known about spiritual nutrition. Abnormal emotional changes harm internal organs, mainly affecting the mechanism of internal organs and the function of qi and blood. Facts have proved that a good environment can make people in a good mental state, while beautiful natural scenery can make people relaxed and happy. After intense mental work or heavy physical work, listening to concerts can quickly eliminate fatigue.
Give in to each other
1907 Gorky was treated in Capri, Italy. His son Maxim also lived there for some days and planted some flowers in the yard. Later, Maxim returned to China first, and Gorky wrote a letter to his son: You left, but the flowers you planted stayed and grew. I looked at them and thought happily that my good son left something beautiful in Capri Island-flowers. If you leave people only the beautiful things in your life-flowers, thoughts and your wonderful memories-at any time and anywhere, then your life will be relaxed and happy. At that time, you will feel that everyone needs you, and this feeling will make you a rich person. You know, "give"
The fate of camels
Camels used to live in a good environment. Like other animals, camels live in places with abundant flowers and water. Once, their leader, the Lion King, held a democratic life meeting to let the animals give some advice on their own leadership methods. Some animals criticized the Lion King for being too kind and made some animals look down on their leader. Some animals criticized the Lion King for being too diligent and not paying attention to maintaining authority. It is camel's turn to speak. It accused the Lion King of not abusing his power and bullying the weak. The lion king praised the camel's outspokenness, asked all animals to follow the camel's example, and announced on the spot that he would let the camel enjoy the largest piece of territory. So the camel came to the closed territory-the vast Gobi Desert.