Magic chocolate, magic chocolate man.
Willy wonka, willy wonka, willy wonka, willy wonka,
Everybody give a cheer. Everyone cheered.
He is modest, smart and smart. He is the most modest, smart and smart person.
He could hardly hold back. He couldn't help holding back.
So generous, because so generous,
There is no way to control it. There is no way to include it here.
To tolerate, to tolerate, to tolerate, to tolerate. Contain it, contain, contain, contain.
Willy wonka, willy wonka (English name), willy wonka,
He is the man you want to see. He is a unique person you have ever met.
Willy wonka, willy wonka, willy wonka, willy wonka,
He is an invincible genius, magician and chocolate wizard. He is an invincible genius, magician and chocolate expert.
He's the best guy ever. He is the best man ever.
Willy wonka, here he comes. This is willy wonka.
My English is very good. I believe my translation level.