Anna chose a bumpy road full of thorns when writing poetry. She had a premonition of her mission at an early age:
ивосненадевая, шепнулм
Береги этот дар! Будь мечтою горда! ? "Protect this gift! Be proud of fantasy! "
Я кольца не отдам –никому ,никогда! I will never give up this ring ―― no matter who or when!
This gift is a gift! Anna cherished this gift all her life and never gave up even in the most difficult time of her life. Poetry is her life and everything to her.
1889 June 1 1 (old calendar) Anna was born in the "big fountain" on the outskirts of Odessa on the Black Sea coast. My father is a retired naval engineer. When Anna decided to write a poem, her father strongly opposed it. In order not to "disgrace" her father's surname, she chose her great-grandmother's surname-Akhmatova, who is famous in the whole Russian literary world, instead of "Golenko".
Anna's parents divorced when she was six years old, which cast a shadow over her childhood. Her carefree years were spent in the beautiful Huangcun village. Her first memories were dedicated to Huangcun: "The magnificent and green garden, the pasture where my nurse took me to play, the racecourse where the colorful pony galloped, and the ancient railway station …" The city of Petersburg (later called Leningrad) was closely linked to her life, as the poet himself said: "I became a poet in Leningrad, and Leningrad was the air of my poetry." She spent 16 years here.
The living environment of childhood gave Anna an endless source of creation. She has been attached to the sea since she was a child. Her first long poem "By the Sea" describes her childhood:
Бухты изрезали низкий берег,
Все паруса убежали в море.
А я сушила соленую косу,
За версту от земли на плоском камне.
Ко мне приплывала зеленая рыба,
Ко мне прилетала белая чайка,
А я была дерзкой, злой и веселой
И вовсе не знала,что это счастье.
The harmonious rhythm sings the innocence of the girl, and this memory is the memory of her stormy journey in the future: "I really want to be a girl by the sea again, wearing shoes barefoot, putting braids on my head and singing with passionate voices."
The poem seaside also predicts the author's future love tragedy. The heroine in the poem met a prince:
Смуглый и ласковый мой царевич
Тихо лежал и глядел на небо.
Эти глаза зеленее моря
И кипарисов наших темнее, -
Видел я ,как они погасли…
Лучше бы мне родиться слепою.
Он застонал и невнятно крикнул:
Ласточка,ласточка,как мне больно! ?
However, the prince did not become a reality:
Он никогда не придет за мною,
Он никогда не вернется,
Умер сегодня мой царевич.?
The death of the prince made the hero lose my love. The prince is her ideal, her love inspiration and her persistent pursuit. This image often appears in Akhmatova's poems and is always tragic:
Слава тебе,безысходная боль!
Умер вчера сероглазый король.
А за окном шелестят тополя:
Нет на земле твоего короля…?
The prince only exists in her ideal, but the reality is another situation. 19 10 Akhmatova married ancient Milev, ending a six-year marathon love. However, marriage is only an unfortunate beginning. As Akhmatova said, "We have been unmarried for too long. I am in Sevastopol, and he is in Paris. By the time he 19 10 got married, his passion had been exhausted. " After marriage, gumilyov began a long trip to Africa. Akhmatova devoted himself to poetry creation.