My mother's surname is Zhong, and her first name is Zhong. She belongs to all ethnic groups in Nanchang. She works for nine institutes. Young people and brothers bred public schools from their ancestors. 18 belongs to the first government. At that time, the government was in its forties, and Ren Xia was hospitable and generous, giving thousands of dollars, with empty pockets and full guests. My mother took off her hairpin and treated the wine slurry. There is no frugality between dishes. More than two years have passed, I have been born, my family has benefited, and I have also experienced hardships and poverty. Those who can't compete with others, my mother is happy and carefree, and Qi party member competes for talents. The government decided to visit Yan and Zhao, but returned to my mother and Quan to deliver meals to my grandparents.
When I was four years old, my mother taught me a few words about the four books every day. Because I was too young to hold a pen, she cut bamboo branches into filaments, broke them, bent them into small pictures, spelled a word, hugged me on my knees and taught me to read. When you know a word, tear it off. Teach me ten words every day, and the next day let me spell the words I knew the day before with bamboo silk until there are no mistakes. When I was six years old, my mother told me to learn to write with a pen. My grandfather's family was never rich. After several years of famine, the harvest was not good and life was particularly embarrassing. At that time, my mother made my clothes, shoes and hats for my little servant and me. Mother is good at textile embroidery. Her embroidery and finished products were brought to the market by young servants, and people always rushed to buy them. Therefore, my little servant and I have always been dressed neatly, neither worn nor rotten.
Four years old, mother's day awarded four books and several sentences; Poor children can't write, but they carve bamboo branches into silk, break them, bend them into waves, make words, and sit on their knees to teach them. Once you know, you can tear it down. Practice cross during the day, and all the staff can read with bamboo silk tomorrow, that's right. At the age of six, I started writing books. Generations have not been nourished, and they have been hungry and fierce these years. Servants and slaves get their clothes and shoes from their mothers. The mother worker weaves and embroiders the organization, and all the female workers let the little slaves bring them into the city, which makes people compete; Therefore, servants and slaves are not in rags.
Grandfather is tall, has a white beard and likes drinking. I was happy after drinking, so I read his poems aloud and asked my mother to point out the shortcomings in the poems. Every time my mother pointed out that a sentence was inappropriate, my grandfather poured a glass of wine. After pointing out a few words, he stroked his beard and laughed happily, raised his glass and said loudly, "I didn't expect my old man to have such a good daughter!" " "Then he touched my head and said," Good boy! What will you use to repay your mother in the future? "I was too young to answer, so I threw myself into my mother's arms and shed tears. My mother hugged me and became very sad. The wind under the eaves blew a few candles, which seemed very sad and sympathetic to people's grief.
My ancestor has a long white beard and likes drinking. When I was drunk, I sang the poem out loud and asked my mother to point out its defects. Every time the mother mentioned a word, the ancestor was full of words; After counting his fingers, Tao Ran stroked his beard and smiled. He raised his hand and said to himself, "I didn't expect Zhang to have this daughter!" " Then Mo Quan said, "Good son, how can I repay my mother someday?" I was childish and couldn't answer. I threw myself into my mother's arms, tears streaming down my face, and my mother was sad. A few candles in the eaves wind will help those who mourn.
I remember when my mother taught me, all the embroidery and textile tools were placed beside me. She put the book on her knee and let me sit on a small stool under her knee to read. My mother taught me to read sentence by sentence when operating in her hand. The babbling of reading and the creaking of weaving are intertwined. When I stopped working hard, she hit me a few times with a ruler, hit me, hugged me and cried, saying, "Son, how can I meet your father if you refuse to study at this time!" In the middle of the night, it was very cold. My mother sat on the bed, pulled the quilt over her feet, unbuttoned her clothes, warmed my back with her chest and accompanied me to read. I was tired and fell asleep in my mother's arms. After a while, my mother shook me and said, "wake up!" " "I opened my eyes and saw my mother with tears on her face. I started crying, too. Have a rest and then ask me to read; Didn't sleep with me until the first cock crow. When I was menstruating, I once said to my mother, "Sister, you only have one son, so why bother!" She replied, "It's easy to have more sons. Only one son. If I don't make progress in the future, who can I rely on? "
When I think of my mother's teaching, the group embroidered spinning performance is both right and left; Put a book on your knee so that the whole servant can sit on his knee and read. Mother-in-law is responsible for the operation, dictation, sentence reading, squeaking and grinding alternately. If you are lazy, you will add less to the early summer and cry again: "If you don't learn, how can I see your father!" Arrived, the night was very cold, and my mother sat on the bed, covering her feet, warming her clothes with her chest and reciting; Tired of watching, I slept in my mother's arms. Suddenly my mother shook her hand and said, "You can wake up!" " Looking at my mother's face, I burst into tears, and all of them cried. Less time, repeat reading; Chickens crow and lie down. The aunts said to their mother, "I have a sister, so why bother?" Right: "Children, nothing; My son is corrupt, how can I trust my sister! "
In Geng Xu, my grandmother was seriously ill. My mother waits on my grandmother, and she will taste all the soup, tea and food the patient eats before giving it to her. Serve forty days and nights, and don't look tired. Grandma said with tears before she died: "My daughter is weak, and now I am more tired than any elder brother, which really drags you down." One day, my son-in-law came back and said for me,' I have no resentment when I die, except that I can't see my grandson get married'. I hope you can induce him well! "Then he died. Mother was so sad that she didn't eat or drink for seven days. Relatives and neighbors, at that time, everyone praised her as a filial daughter, and now she still says so.
Geng Xu, my grandmother is ill and ill, and my mother waits on her. Every time I eat soup and medicine, I have to taste it myself, and I have been tireless for forty days and nights. Grandma came back from danger and sobbed, "My daughter is weak, my brothers are overworked, and I am very tired. His son-in-law came home and said,' I died without complaining, and I hate not seeing a woman set up'. Just seduce it! " Say that and die. Mother's sorrow destroys bones, and water slurry is not allowed to enter for seven days. Lu Dang Yinya, once known as a filial daughter, is still in decline.
When I was nine years old, my mother taught me The Book of Rites, Zhouyi and Shi Mao, and I could recite them all. Whenever she has time, she copies the poems of Tang and Song poets and teaches me to recite ancient poems. Mom and I are both weak and sick. Whenever I am sick, my mother will hold me around the room without sleeping. When I was a little better, she pointed to the poem posted on the wall and taught me to recite it in a low voice as a game. When my mother is ill, I always sit by her pillow. My mother looked at me, often without saying a word, very sad, and I was also very sad to be attached to her. Once I asked her, "Mom, aren't you happy?" She said, "I'm not happy." "Then how can I make my mother happy?" She said, "I'm glad you can recite what you have read." So I endorsed it, and the sound of the book was mixed with the boiling sound of the medicine pot. Mother smiled and said, "Look, I'm cured!" " "Since then, my mother was ill, so I took a book and read it at her bedside to make her better.
When he was nine years old, his mother gave him The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes and Shi Mao, all of which were recited. In his spare time, he recorded Tang and Song poems and taught them to sing. Both mother and servant are sickly. Every time a servant is ill, his mother holds him in a room and never sleeps. Less recovery, you need to refer to the poems between the walls and teach your children to whisper. When the mother is ill, the husband will sit by the pillow. Mother saw the whole, but she was silent and sad, and the whole was attached to it. Tasting Day: "Is Mom worried?" Said, "Of course." "But how can I solve my troubles?" Yue: "I can recite what I have read, and I can understand." The chanting is loud, and there is a heated debate about medicine. Mother smiled and said, "The disease is not that bad." Therefore, if the mother is sick, the whole family will endorse it, but the disease can be cured.
When I was ten, my father went home. A year later, my father took me out with my mother and went to Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Hunan and Hubei. When my father does something wrong, my mother must seriously persuade him with euphemistic words; She held her breath when her father was angry and didn't listen to her. When her father calmed down, she repeatedly persuaded her to stop until her father listened to her. Every time my father heard of a serious case of life and death, my mother always pulled me to stand at his desk and said, "Don't forget that you have such a son!" " "The father nodded frequently. My father was impatient when he urged me to study in a foreign apartment. He got angry when I was careless and left me alone for a few days. My mother beat me with tears and told me to kneel on the ground after reading the book and let me go. I never feel tired. Therefore, I have never neglected my studies because of fun, and my mother's education is therefore more strict.
At the age of ten, my father came back. After more than a year, I took my mother and Quan, and I traveled with them. If the first government gentleman already has one, the mother will be polite or angry and will hold her breath. Once she is angry, she will try her best to listen. Every time my dead husband sentenced me to prison, my mother held her son on the table and said, "It's okay, I miss this son." Count the officials. The first house is in the guest house, and the governor is very anxious to know. If he is a little lazy, he gets angry and abandons it. It took a few days to say a word. My mother cried, so that she knelt down and read until she was ripe. Therefore, we can't waste our time playing. My mother-in-law's reason is interest and strictness.
Ten years later, we returned to our hometown and settled in Poyang County. I was almost twenty years old then. The following year, I married my wife Zhang. My mother treats my daughter-in-law as her own daughter and teaches her to spin, weave, embroider and sew, just as I helped me study when I was a child.
Another decade, come back. Buju is in Poyang. He is twenty years old. Next year, marry Zhang. The mother and daughter saw it and trained them to knit with the performance of spinning, just like teaching them when they were young.
I was born twenty-two years ago and never left my mother. Once, because I had to take a test for boys, I had to go back to my hometown in Lead Mountain to say goodbye to my mother. She didn't feel reluctant to leave me at all. Later, I was admitted to a scholar. In the second year, Ding Maonian received the living allowance for students. In autumn, I won the prize. When I came back to visit my mother, there was a happy expression on her face. After living with my parents for twenty days, I went to the north. Every time my mother thinks of me, she always writes poems, but she never sends me any. The next year, I failed in the exam and went home in September. /kloc-in October/February, my father died. My mother cried her eyes out a dozen times and wrote a eulogy to her father. * * *, a total of more than 100 sentences, between the lines are sincere, sincere and painful. Everyone who heard them, whether they were close old people or young people, choked up and sobbed. This year, my mother was 43 years old.
All born for 20 years, never been to his mother's place. In order to answer the boy's test and return to lead mountain, the mother had no pity for leaving and made up her apprentice. Ding Mao will eat next year; In autumn, I recommend going to the countryside and paying homage to my mother. My mother is very happy. Knee 20, north. Every time I read, I have poems; None of them have been sent. Come for the last time next year and come back in September. /kloc-in 0/2 months, the first husband died, and the mother cried to death more than ten times, so she volunteered to sacrifice for Wen. Every hundred words hurt my heart, and no one heard them, and all ages were crying. At that time, three out of forty.
Three years ago, an old painter from Nanchang came to Poyang. He is over eighty years old, with white hair on both ears, and he can draw people's faces. I asked him to draw a small portrait of my mother, so I asked my mother how to decorate the scenery around the portrait and asked her, "Mom is for entertainment, and putting these pictures on it makes her happy." Mother said sadly, "Alas! Since I came to the Chiang family to be a daughter-in-law, I often feel that I can't serve my in-laws. It's a pity. Today, I have spent decades in sorrow and crying: crying for my mother, crying for my grandfather, crying for my son, crying for my daughter's short life, and now crying for my husband! What I lack is death, what is there to be happy about it! " I knelt down and said, "even so, has mom thought of any happiness that she hasn't got yet?" I hope you will agree to draw it on this image, ok? " Mother said, "As long as my son and bride can be diligent, won't it be all right?" It is enough for my old woman to teach you to study at night in the sound of a loom. What else is fun? "
Now, an old painter from Nanchang travels in Poyang. He is over eighty years old, with gray hair and drooping ears, and can read people's faces. All of them wrote a small portrait for their mother, because they were invited to be on location and scenery, and asked, "Why does mother have fun?" When the picture is entertainment. "Mother suddenly said," alas! As the wife of the Chiang family, I hate serving my uncle and aunt. In decades of sorrow and mourning: every crying mother, father, son and daughter died, and now they are crying! Widows owe dead ears, why bother! All knelt down and said, "Nevertheless, if you are not satisfied with your mother's wish, please give it to Stu." Is it okay? "Mom said," Is it bad to criticize my son and my bride for their diligence? On the night of the bell ringing class, the old woman's wish is enough, so why bother! "
So I retired from my mother and told the painter what she wanted. The painter painted a scene of autumn night: the hall was empty on all sides, with a bright lamp hanging in the middle; A tall phoenix tree outside the house, its shadow falls on the eaves; There is a loom in the middle of the hall, which shows my mother sitting on the loom to weave, and my wife sitting next to her spinning wheel; There is a desk under the eaves, reflecting the candlelight on the desk, reading on the windowsill. It's me, the rockery under the steps, the flowers on the edge of the steps, and the orchids in the basin, shaking in the breeze and cool moonlight. Children squatting under buttonwood trees to catch cricket for fun, short-haired girls with feather fans in their hands making tea on rocks, are boy A Tong and maid Zhao.
The right to retire and talk to the painter. It is the scene of autumn night: Xutang No.4 Factory, Yingying and Eden; Gao Shu, the shadow falls on the eaves; There is a machine in the hall to draw my mother sitting and weaving, and the woman is sitting next to her with a spinning wheel; There are several rows at the bottom of the eaves, and the candles are cut according to the chart, but the readers are full. There is a rockery under the steps, with graceful flowers and orchids, swaying in the cool breeze and bright moon. The boy crouched under the root of the tree, caught him to promote weaving for play, hung up his short hair, held a feather fan, cooked tea stone, and then he was a slave boy and a little maid.
After painting this picture, my mother saw it and liked it very much. So I specially wrote this brief account of my mother's hard life, in order to consult the adults who wrote books to persuade people to do good, and write a perfect article accordingly.
Mother is very happy that the picture is finished. I sincerely hope to be kind to others according to my mother's hard life, so as to solicit the opinions of adults and gentlemen.