Why do people live with ideals and pursuits?

All men are vanity, and a hundred out of a hundred are vanity. No matter who you are, you are nothing. The poor are empty, and the rich are more empty. People without education are empty, and those with education are even more empty. Moreover, the more educated people are, the more empty they are. People are empty when they are not full; After the problem of food and clothing is solved, the mind is empty; After being educated, my heart is empty. People can't control their own future and don't know what will happen tomorrow. Don't say tomorrow, you don't know what will happen today. There is a saying in China, "Take off your shoes and socks tonight, and I don't know if I can wear them tomorrow." If the victims of 9 1 1 terrorist events know what will happen that day, they will never know or be sure what will happen around you, not only in the future, but also now. This can only be resigned to fate. Therefore, everyone has a sense of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. This makes people have a kind of thinking and yearning for God. Go to work. Everyone, no matter who he is, has his own inherent shortcomings, difficulties, problems and quirks. Some people may not admit it or don't want to admit it, but they know their own problems best. Everyone should pursue perfection and perfection. But there is something about you that makes you imperfect. Call this thing a shortcoming or difficulty; Call it a weakness or problem; Call it weird or evil, anyway, this thing is on everyone. The difference is the way it is reflected in everyone. Some people are in this field, others are in that field. People are flawed after falling, and people are imperfect and flawed. Everyone has this defect. To some extent, people hate and hate their own shortcomings, quirks and sins. But people can't overcome it. What can be overcome? This makes people yearn for God's salvation. The Bible reveals God's complete salvation. It is through his eternal and sacred life that God saves people from sin and defects and achieves perfection in him. No matter what kind of atheist or materialist you are, judging from your life experience, you will feel as if an invisible hand is in charge of your destiny. You may have reached a certain position, a certain situation and an achievement, which is of course related to your own efforts and your struggle. But not everyone who works as hard as you have reached the same situation. But there is a hand of fate in charge of you, and you are fully aware of it. Reading Bible: 2 Timothy 3: 1-5: "You should know that the last days will be dangerous. Because at that time, people should love themselves and money. Boasting, arrogance, slander, disobedience to parents, ingratitude, unholy heart, no affection, no resentment, gossiping, no self-promise, violent temperament, no Ai En kindness, selling friends, willfulness, arrogance, love to feast and love God; Have a godly appearance, but have a godly heart; You have to avoid such people. "

Three loves and two doesn't.

In these five verses, there are five references to love. Three of them are about love, and two are about not loving. I don't know if my brothers and sisters found it when they watched it. When it comes to love in three places, it means loving yourself, money and pleasure. When it comes to not loving, it means not loving goodness and not loving God.


I'm not going to talk about all these phenomena tonight. I just want to point out five of them are related to love, so as to communicate with you. These five phenomena are all stories about love between people, including three loves and two evils. If you read carefully, you will find that these 2 1 dangerous phenomena can be traced back to these five kinds of love. There are all kinds of dangerous phenomena in the last days, all because people have these three stories of love and two stories of non-love. Because of these three loves and two dislikes, there are more than ten other phenomena, which can be counted as 20 or 2 1.

The problem of love determines a person's future and life.

Here we should see that there are several things that are very important. The first thing is that in this era, dangerous days have come in the crowd because people pay attention to love and not love. If people love right, there will be no dangerous days in the crowd. If people don't have the right love, it will bring dangerous days. So you must see that whether there is danger in the crowd depends on people's attention to love. Whether from the public to the individual or from the individual to the public, the principle is the same. The danger in the crowd lies in the pressure of love, and the danger in the individual lies in the pressure of love. Or more personally, your future is dangerous, not dangerous, but because you pay attention to love. What your future will be like and what your life will be like depends entirely on what you love and what you don't love.

Love is created by God.

As we all know, people are emotional animals. One of the most wonderful things about us is emotion. You can't make people unloved. One cannot live without love. If a person has no love, I don't think this person has the heart to make rules. Only those who have no heart will have no love.

China's writing is really good. If you take away the "heart" of the Chinese word "love", won't it become the word "receive"? Not "love", but "receiving". Who do you think has no love? Whoever has no love is definitely not normal. Look at this watch, there is no love. As we say, a person is not a stone, but he can be ruthless. In other words, people are not wood and stone, and people can't live without love and affection. Among human beings, one thing is accepted from the hand created by God, and that is love. Oh, brothers! You know, God not only made a head and two eyes for you, but also made a heart for you, and in this heart, God gave it a special function, that is love.

I haven't read physiology, but the doctor told us that when a person's heart stops beating, that person dies. Physiologically, people's hearts have been pushing people's lives there. When the heart stops beating, a person's life is over.

Here I want to tell you that psychologically, it is also the human heart that drives people's lives, lives and lives. However, this heart is not a physical heart, but a psychological heart. People's love and feelings are the function of this heart. It didn't exist after people fell, but was put in people when God created it. Before the fall of mankind, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were not like wood, but like stone men. They are not made of wood and stone. They have no love and affection. No, before God created human beings, their hearts were full of love. Therefore, there is no way for people not to love, and people have to love. Just like drinking water. You can't help drinking water, because you have the need and function of drinking water in your body. Just like eating, you have the need and function to eat. Similarly, people also need love and have the function of love. This is what God put in man when he created him.

God created love, so people can like it and enjoy it.

Why did God create such a love function for people? We can find the answer in the Bible. If you read the whole Bible carefully, it is easy to find a simple fact, that is, God likes to live in harmony with people, and likes people to enjoy him, accept him and experience him. If you ask me, why does God like to reconcile with others? Why does God like people to enjoy him, accept him and experience him? I can't answer that. It's like someone asks you why you like drinking water, but you can't answer. Brother Jane, why do you like drinking water? He said, because he was thirsty inside. Then, I ask you again, why are you thirsty inside? He doesn't know. We have brothers who are doctors and sisters who are nurses. Can you tell me why people are thirsty and feel the need to drink water? I think this is a very strange question, which is not easy for people to answer.

Oh, God himself likes to make peace with others. When you read the whole Bible, you will find that one of God's favorite things is reconciliation with others. He is eager to reconcile with others, he likes to reconcile with others, he is willing to give people experience, and he is willing to let people enjoy him.

Since God is willing to do so, what about people? Here's a problem. Although God wants people to experience him and enjoy him, people must have a love for him. If people don't like him, it's too difficult for him to get in. God can't force people. You know, it's too difficult to force children to take medicine. Don't talk about taking medicine, even drinking water. When children don't like drinking water, I tell you that even a little water is not easy to send to their stomachs. I think candy is the easiest thing to send to children's stomachs, because children like candy best. Therefore, people can't accept anything without their favorite heart.

Remember, God wants people to accept him, enjoy him, experience him and love him. It is for this reason that God created the function of love in people. When you read the whole Bible, you will see that God's function of creating love has only one purpose, that is, to make people love him.

It is harmful for anyone and anything to be the object of our love besides God.

This kind of love for people should be for God. This kind of love should take God as the only object. Remember, the only object of love is God. All people, things and things except God are wrong if they are loved by others. In other words, it is right for human love to be placed on God, but it is wrong for human love to be placed outside God. It's like people need to eat, but you should be careful whether the food you eat is poisonous or not. Similarly, people need love, and people can't live without love, but be careful what you love. The object of love is toxic and harmless. If you love poisonous things, you will suffer. If you love non-toxic, it is certainly harmless to you and beneficial.

I asked my brothers and sisters, what do you think? What kind of lover is poisonous? I hope elderly parents don't listen, but young people say, are parents poisonous? I hope young people don't listen and ask old people, are children poisonous? Is the wife poisonous? Is the husband poisonous?

I'll tell you straight away that these are poisonous. Even if you love learning, fame, money, house, fields and even your own life, it is poisonous. Everything except God, no matter how good it is, is poisonous once it becomes the object of your love! This is really amazing! I'm afraid you'll all get up and take me to the police station and say that there is a missionary here who told his parents that children are poisonous; He told the children that their parents were poisonous. He told her husband that his wife was poisonous; He told his wife that her husband was poisonous. Oh, dear! This man is unbelievable! However, please read Luke 14: 26 carefully. The Lord Jesus said there that a man cannot be my disciple unless he hates his parents, wives, children, brothers, sisters and his own life. Why did the Lord say to hate? Just because it's toxic.

Of course, I'm not saying that you little brothers and sisters will tell your parents that the old man is poisonous when you get home. Or parents, go home and beat their children and say, you children are all poisonous. This is foolish. I hope all of you can understand from your hearts that anyone, anything and anything except God is poisonous if it becomes the object of our love.

Doesn't the Bible tell us that children should honor their parents? Yes, but don't forget there is a word "Lord" here. (refer to VI 1. Children, honor your parents in the Lord. It is right that your parents become the objects of your love in the Lord. If your parents are the object of your love, it is poisonous.

What is put in the Lord is sterilized. You all know the meaning of disinfection. Everything except the Lord is poisonous, but the Lord himself is not poisonous. Not only that, he can sterilize other things. Money is put in the Lord, and it is lovely after disinfection. Knowledge is put in the Lord, and it is lovely after disinfection. Is that clear? I'm not saying that a person doesn't need to study. I'm saying that learning is toxic outside the Lord, but it's sterilized inside the Lord. At this time, you can love learning, but love in the Lord.

Similarly, the wife is really poisonous outside the Lord. Disinfect your wife in the Lord, and she will be lovely. So is the husband. Sisters, if you love your husbands outside the Lord, you should be careful. Your husband is a poisonous snake. You must put your husband in the Lord and filter it. You see, tap water must be filtered and disinfected before drinking. Oh, please remember that nothing can be loved except the Lord. Outside the Lord, everything you love is poisonous. Those must be taken to the Lord, filtered and disinfected before they can love.

Love is for God, and love is for God. The function of love is in people, and the function of love is entirely for God. When God first gave people a kind of love, he didn't ask him to love anything else, but asked him to love only himself. When people love anything except God, it is depravity.

Do you remember the story of losing your head for the first time? Eve saw the fruit of the tree of good and evil, which was very pleasing to the eyes. She fell in love with it and had a direct relationship with it. Remember, if Eve brings the fruit to the Lord, if she touches the Lord first, she won't eat it. Adam and Eve fell because they put God aside and went straight to love other things.

Remember, everything you love directly outside God is dangerous and poisonous. All love must go through God, and all love must be brought into the Lord. Love your husband in the Lord and your wife in the Lord; Love your parents in the Lord and your children in the Lord. Similarly, love money in the Lord, love learning in the Lord, and love clothing in the Lord. Everything you love must be brought before the Lord, and it has nothing to do with people, things and things other than the Lord. Everything except the Lord, as long as it becomes the object of your love, is toxic, and at that point, you will suffer. Therefore, the Bible says that a dangerous day will come. The fall of man and the danger of man are all because he loves something other than God instead of God.

Man's first love besides God-loving himself.

Look here, besides God, what does man love first? Man loves himself before God. Brothers and sisters, let me ask you a question. Do you love your parents or yourself? To tell the truth, people love themselves. Parents say they love their children. This sentence is not necessarily reliable. You know, there are famines in some places, so that parents can no longer take care of their children and have to lose them. Who do parents love? Love yourself! You can ask yourself, who do you love? What do you really love? It is true that people love themselves.

Self-love is a phenomenon in a dangerous period. Look at today's situation. No matter whether a person is educated or not, no matter where he comes from, everyone loves himself, and all people love themselves. The Bible tells us that man himself is the incarnation of Satan. Do you remember that day when the Lord said to Peter, Satan, get behind me! Because Peter was considerate of himself that day.

Man's second love besides God-the love for money.

Love yourself below, and then? The Holy Spirit really knows the stories in people's hearts. After you love yourself, you love money. Brothers and sisters, forgive me for asking you this question. Do you love money? Some brothers said he couldn't say. This is hardly a lie! No one doesn't love money. Oh, I see, even the youngest child loves money.

A distant sister makes friends with my children. One is in his sixties and the other is only seven or eight years old. They often corresponded when they were old, and they often exchanged things when they were young. Once, my sister gave the child a small gift, a small box for saving money. I'm afraid you've all seen it. This is a cash box with holes. Money can only be put in, not taken out. When she gave me this gift, I frowned and told her that it was the worst thing for you to give this gift. She said, why not? I said, do you want to strengthen her and cultivate her love for money? I said, you don't need to strengthen this, you don't need to cultivate it, I love giving her money.

We must admit that everyone loves money nowadays. In many people's feelings, money is more lovely than anything else. We often use the term "Second Life". We say that fame is the second life and family is the second life. But to be honest, Second Life is money. The first life is yourself, and the second life is money. People love themselves and money.

Brothers and sisters, do you know? There is no one in the world who is not rich. People all over the world are rich, old and young, poor and rich. However, some people are really rich, and some people pretend to be rich. Some people actually count money there every day, while others dream of counting money there every night. Everyone is counting money there, so no one is not rich. Everyone loves money regardless of age or wealth. So money has become a big puzzle for people. As we all know, the Bible says that money is unjust. (Road 16 9, 1 1. ) and he said, man can't serve two masters, nor can he serve himself, but only God. (Mt. 6: 24. ) Mamen is money. Therefore, you can clearly see that money is God's adversary and God's enemy. Money is the incarnation of Satan.

Oh! If you understand correctly, I want to tell you that everything except God, as soon as it becomes the object of your love, is the incarnation of Satan. Even learning is the incarnation of Satan. From God's point of view, learning is the devil, money is the devil, you are the devil, and even anything you love except God is the devil. Everything except God, no matter how good, is Satan's dependence and Satan's incarnation. Satan hides in something you love and wants to take you away, take you away. Your love is born for God. You should be God's spouse. But now you love something other than God, so you are occupied by something other than God. Things other than God possess you, that is, Satan possesses you, of which the most powerful is himself, followed by money.

Besides God, man's third love is pleasure. I want to point it out here. Don't think that debauchery is debauchery. A natural feast includes a feast, but a feast is not just a feast. Feast is what we call entertainment today, that is, all kinds of recreation and happiness, just like swimming, watching movies, playing the piano, making up and so on. Therefore, to love pleasure means to love entertainment and happiness.

You see, people in the twentieth century today really love entertainment and happiness. Swimming in the water in summer is really carefree and happy. Watching movies is very interesting. Playing the piano is really interesting. Make up, dress yourself up and look in the mirror. The more you look, the happier you are. I'm telling you, some women look in the mirror 28 times a day. Don't think I'm joking. Oh, she won't be happy if she doesn't shoot it 28 times a day.

Today, you see that 70% or 80% of the things sold in the market are for people's entertainment, not daily necessities. You read advertisements, stories and photos in every newspaper for entertainment. Therefore, people in the twentieth century, all activities in life, mostly for entertainment.

One day is free every seven days. God wants people to rest first, and then worship before God, so that God can be happy. But what do you think people do on Sundays today? Almost all of them are used for recreation and happiness. As soon as the weekend came, people began to be happy. The more in the last days, the more people love feast and happiness. They don't care about the sky and the land, they just want to be happy. I'm not afraid of anything, just be happy. Oh, today, people all over the world are desperately loving themselves, money and feasts. We can say that people have three lives, the first is themselves, the second is money, and the third is pleasure.

Three loves

You can think about it here. In today's crowd society and human culture, if you take away yourself, your money and your fun, do you think there is still a crowd society? Is there any culture? I won't. In today's crowd society, all stories are contained in these three kinds of life. So the Bible only talks about these three kinds of love here. People use the heart created by God and the role of love created by God in these three things: love themselves, love money and love pleasure.

Remember, even if people there seem to love other things, they still can't get rid of these three things. Just like some people there love learning, in fact, that kind of love of learning is fake. People don't really love learning, but they love learning for themselves, for money, for entertainment and for enjoyment. People today have only three kinds of love: love themselves, love money and love feasting. Today, people like to say fashion best. I tell you, the most fashionable thing nowadays is to love yourself, money and pleasure. The present generation is a generation that loves itself, money and pleasure. We see here that although there are three kinds of love, there is only one world. Self, money and happiness are the same world. Love yourself means love the world, love money means love the world, and love feasting means love the world. These three loves are one world, not three worlds, but three important things in one world.

Ego, money and pleasure are the snares of human beings, especially young people. This is a trap. There is danger here. I want to tell young people that anyone who loves himself, money and pleasure will fall into the pit sooner or later. Anyone who loves these things will fall into the trap in the early morning and late at night. You should pay attention to the dangerous future waiting for you. Love, love yourself more, love money more, love feasts more, and your danger will be heavier. The most dangerous people are those who love themselves, money and pleasure the most. How dangerous your future is depends on how much you love these three things. The fiercer you love, the fiercer you love, and the more eager you love. The more dangerous you are, the more dangerous you are. Oh, these are all unlovable and poisonous. These are all things other than God.

In the last days, so dangerous days came, because people love these three things. In this generation, young people must get rid of this danger. These three love, love themselves, love money and love pleasure. If you have always loved these things, I tell you, you must have fallen into this dangerous generation.

Two people don't love each other.

Unfortunately, although many Christians have been saved, they are not out of this danger. Especially young brothers and sisters, many people have not been out of this danger until today. If you only love yourself, money and pleasure, you can't love God, so you don't love God. If you don't love God, you don't love good, because good follows God. All true and beautiful things come from God. It can almost be said that goodness is God himself. So if you don't love God, you can't love goodness.

Self, money and pleasure are things in a world; God and goodness belong to another world. You can't have it both ways, either you love things in this world or you love things in that world.

Because of time, I can't say more. That is, people can't live without love, and they must love. But people should pay attention to the object of love. If you love the right person, your future will be guaranteed. People love the wrong person, and the future is dangerous. If you want to have a bright and correct future in your life, you must deal with it from the heart, regardless of the external steps. First, look at what your heart is on and what your love is on. The trend of today's times is three loves and two evils: love yourself, love money, love feast, love God and love kindness. If you are like this, you should know that your feet are stepping on the most dangerous road.

Man is what God created for himself. People's hearts should be in God, and all the love in people should be given to God. Your love for everything should be in God. Everything is dangerous for you, except in God. Only when the object of God's love is safe can people's feet walk on the road of peace. Otherwise, people's future will be very dangerous, with traps, traps and deep pits.