The Three Kingdoms. Wei [Cao Zhi]
Boiled beans are used as a soup, and they are soaked as juice.
honey burns under the kettle, and beans weep in the kettle.
since they are born from the same root, what's the hurry? When brothers turn against each other, they become enemies. The husband and wife share together, should not be angry incompatible. Pick the radish and the green, don't you want the root? The good words of old days abandon: to the death you are inseparable. Walk out the door slowly, the feet move the heart to bear. Don't send the far away to send near, which knows only to the door. Who says bitter taste the most bitter, in my opinion is sweet as Cardamine. How happy you are married. you can't compare your newly married. The Wei river enters Jing - shui river water, although the hun river river is clear. How happy you are newly married, I wonder if you feel pity for my heart. Don't go to my fish dam, don't open the weel again. Now that it is not me, who will pay attention to the future. Like crossing the river deep, crossing the river with rafts and boats. As the river is clear and shallow, I swim across to the other side. There is no that at home, for you to do it with all your heart. There is a disaster in the neighboring right house, and the aid will not delay. No, I can be angry, but take me as my enemy. My good intentions, you don't look, like the goods no one bought. Once upon a time, fear of family poverty, adversity and total of. Now my family is getting better, and I think you're sick of me like a Baneling. Prepare dried vegetables and pickles, and store them for the winter. How happy you are married, take my savings to keep out of poverty. Cusheng Bully me, hard work heavy work I bear. The original sentiment all over, the past love a space.