Bilingual example:
Stylistic comparison between 1 and the Chinese versions of Walden Lake by Xu and Pan.
2. Walden by henry david thoreau is a masterpiece in the history of American literature.
waldenwrittenbyhenrydavidthoreauissamasterpiece in American literature。 ?
At the beginning of Walden, henry david thoreau attacked the complexity of modern life in a short space. He wrote:
At the beginning of Walden, Henry David SOMA SOMA opposed the complicated modern life. ?
He really should get off at Concord and throw all his equipment into Walden Lake, where Thoreau swam after retiring from modern life.
heshouldhaveligatedatconcordandrownhisdevices in Walden pond,the lakewhere thoreauswamafteretreatingfrom modern life。 ?
5. When he was young, his father read Thoreau's Walden for him, and the pastoral scenery depicted in it complemented the scenery he saw in his childhood.
When he was a child, his father read Thoreau's Walden, and his pastoral echoed the childhood scenery.