The last sentence of this poem says: "No one has died since ancient times. Take the heart of Dan and follow the history of history." Zhang Hongfan put it away with a smile. Zhang Hongfan said, "The loyalty and filial piety of the Prime Minister have been exhausted. If you can change your attitude and serve the Great Yuan Emperor as you served the Song Dynasty, you will not lose your position as prime minister. "
Wen Tianxiang said tearfully, "The country is doomed. As a courtier, death is not just a crime. How dare you drag out an ignoble existence with two hearts? " Zhang Hongfan felt his righteousness and sent someone to escort Wen Tianxiang to Beijing. On the way, Wen Tianxiang didn't eat for eight days, and then he ate again before he died.
2. In prison, Wen Tianxiang received a letter from his daughter Liu Niang, and learned that his wife and two daughters were slaves in the palace and lived like prisoners. Wen Tianxiang knew that as long as he surrendered, his family could be reunited. But Wen Tianxiang doesn't want to lose his integrity because of his wife and daughter.
In his letter to his sister, he said, "I am very sad to receive a letter from Miss Liu. Who has no wife, children, flesh and blood? But now, it is a kind of life to die without hesitation. what can I do? What a pity! ..... can make Liu Nv and Huan Nv become good people, but dad can't. Tears choked and choked. "
Wen Tianxiang was escorted to Chai Shikou execution ground that day. The suggestion asked him, "What else does the Prime Minister have to say? Playing back can also save you from death. " Wen Tianxiang shouted, "Die or die. What else can you say? " He asked the prison officer again, "Which way is the south?" Someone showed him the direction, and Wen Tianxiang bowed down to the south and said, "My business is over, and my heart is clear!"
Extended data
Wen Tianxiang's literary creation, especially his poetry creation, has two remarkable characteristics, which are divided into two stages: the early stage and the late stage. The so-called prophase refers to the stage when Ganzhou started to go to Zhou Zhen at night after serving him. At that time, although the small court in the Southern Song Dynasty was in a difficult autumn, the rulers in the dynasty were also ignorant and rich, but Wen Tianxiang himself was accumulating troops. They came to the military camp by themselves, and they are a team with clear love and hate and fighting capacity.
Therefore, in Wen Tianxiang's mind, there is hope for reviving the Southern Song Dynasty and recovering lost land. Poems written in this period are characterized by freshness, liveliness, boldness and rich feelings, and they often inspire themselves with full fighting spirit, which makes people feel deeply when they read them. During this period, Wen Tianxiang wrote many poems, most of which are inspirational, which can be said to be the middle of two characteristic periods, that is, the transitional period.
After arriving in Fuan, the situation has changed fundamentally. The emperor is still controlled by Chen and others. Although Wen Tianxiang was given an official position by the government, he was not allowed to work in the government, and even asked to open a government in Yongjia (Wenzhou). Finally, he decided to open a yamen in Nanjian (Nanping County, Fujian Province), and soon moved it to Tingzhou and then to Zhangzhou. Thus, the title of Wen Tianxiang, the envoy and commander-in-chief of the Tang Dynasty, is only a nominal title.
During this period, Wen Tianxiang's poetry creation began to show the characteristics of the later period, and most of them lamented that the journey of life was "difficult and dangerous".
Baidu Encyclopedia-Wen Tianxiang