Yun Shuo's poetic composition is 200 words.
The cloud said, I came quietly, and I left without attachments. I don't ask for compliments, and I won't stop for anything. The cloud said, I am addicted to singing in the blue sky above the blue sea, making friends with the breeze and keeping company with the sunshine. The cloud says that when I am heavy and tired, I will turn into rain, fall on the earth, accumulate into streams, and rush to the sea to truly experience the spring flowers on the earth. The cloud said that the sun was flowing in my arms, and I ran out of water and came to the sky to hold hands with the wind again. * * * How blue the sky is, falling in love with clouds. I am most attached to you after the snow and before the rain. You came to my window and poured out sweet words to you. You gave me pure poetry. Yunfei can't get out of the sky. On a purple morning, I walked alone on the cloudless horizon.